Search: subworld:metabp
Displaying 21-28 of 28 results found.
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(all | no meta | meta)
(words | no words)
BP895 |
| Meta Bongard Problems that sort Bongard Problems based on other information than just their solutions (e.g. what format the Bongard Problem is, or what specific examples are shown in it) vs. Meta Bongard Problems that sort Bongard Problems purely based on solution. |
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Left-sorted Bongard Problems have the keyword "presentationmatters" on the OEBP.
Right-sorted Bongard Problems have the keyword "presentationinvariant" on the OEBP.
Meta Bongard problems that sort Bongard Problems purely based on their solutions usually have two versions in the database: one that sorts images of Bongard Problems and one that sorts links to pages on the OEBP. If both versions exist, users should make them cross-reference one another. (Meta Bongard Problems that sort images of Bongard Problems have the keyword miniproblems, whereas meta Bongard Problems that sort links to OEBP pages have the keyword links.)
For meta-pages on the OEBP that sort other pages on the OEBP (keyword links), "presentationmatters" means factoring in content like the BP number, the currently uploaded examples, the wording of the title, the description, and so on, rather than just the solution (that is, how the page would sort all potential examples). This is unusual.
"One solution vs. multiple solutions" (BP828) seems like a border-case. - Aaron David Fairbanks, Aug 01 2020 |
See BP1010 (projectionmatters versus 3d) for a similar idea: there 2D representations are to 3D objects as here Bongard Problems are to Bongard Problem solutions.
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP890 BP891 BP892 BP893 BP894  *  BP896 BP897 BP898 BP899 BP900
fuzzy, meta (see left/right), links, keyword, right-self, sideless, metameta, right-it, dependence, presentationinvariant
metabp [smaller | same | bigger]
Jago Collins
BP967 |
| Keywords on the OEBP that observe properties of Bongard Problems vs. keywords on the OEBP that tag Bongard Problems with instruction for users. |
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BP1073 |
| Bongard Problems that would sort this Bongard Problem left vs. Bongard Problems that would sort this Bongard Problem right. |
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This is the "it" Problem.
Left-sorted Bongard Problems have the keyword "left-it" on the OEBP.
Right-sorted Bongard Problems have the keyword "right-it" on the OEBP. |
Left-it or right-it implies feedback.
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1068 BP1069 BP1070 BP1071 BP1072  *  BP1074 BP1075 BP1076 BP1077 BP1078
nice, meta (see left/right), links, keyword, side, metameta, feedback, time, experimental, funny, testexample, presentationinvariant
recursion (info | search), self-reference (info | search)
linksbp [smaller | same | bigger]
Aaron David Fairbanks
BP1074 |
| Meta Bongard Problem in a chain of Problems containing other Problems that eventually loops back to itself vs. this cannot happen. |
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BP1076 |
| Meta Bongard Problems sorting BP1 left vs. meta Bongard Problems sorting BP1 right. |
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BP1126 |
| Meta Bongard Problems in which examples are pages on the OEBP vs. meta Bongard Problems in which examples are pictures of Bongard Problems. |
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Bongard Problems sorted left have the keyword "links" on the OEBP.
Bongard Problems sorted right have the keyword "miniproblems" on the OEBP.
The keyword "links" is automatically added to a Bongard Problem on the OEBP if a BP number is added as an example.
Meta Bongard problems that sort Bongard Problems purely based on their solutions (keyword presentationmatters) usually have two versions in the database: one that sorts images of Bongard Problems and one that sorts links to pages on the OEBP. If both versions exist, users should make them cross-reference one another. |
All the examples of miniature Bongard Problems within any meta Bongard Problem tagged "miniproblems" would fit left on BP1080 (which is a showcase of the various formats for images of Bongard Problems).
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1121 BP1122 BP1123 BP1124 BP1125  *  BP1127 BP1128 BP1129 BP1130 BP1131
meta (see left/right), links, keyword, world, left-self, metameta
metabp [smaller | same | bigger]
Aaron David Fairbanks
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