Table of keywords
Meta BP number
easy | Easy for people to solve. | BP501left |
hard | Hard for people to solve. | BP501right |
nice | "NP" (Nice Problem!) | BP503left |
less | More Bongard Problems like this should not be added to the database. It may be interesting as a one-off example or is kept for historical reasons. | BP503right |
stub | More examples are needed. Please add to this Bongard Problem. | BP504left |
precise | A Bongard Problem with an exact definition. For all possible examples, it is clear which go left, which go right, and which are uncategorized. | BP508left |
fuzzy | A Bongard Problem with an inexact definition. | BP508right |
allsorted | A Bongard Problem that sorts all possible relevant examples. There are no uncategorized cases. | BP509left |
abstract | The solution is not a literal geometrical or numerical property in examples. | BP512left |
noisy | There are extraneous details shown changing between examples that distract from the solution. | BP511left |
minimal | The only details shown changing between examples are those necessary to communicate the solution. | BP511right |
convoluted | A Bongard Problem with convoluted solution involving clauses connected by "OR"s or elaborate rules in the description. These Bongard Problems would usually also be tagged with the keyword "less." | BP549right |
unwordable | The solution is hard to put into words concisely. (This does not necessarily mean that the solution is hard to see.) | BP506left |
notso | A Bongard Problem with solution naturally expressed as "[fits rule] vs. not so." | BP867left |
teach | A Bongard Problem whose examples might be used to teach a person or computer to recognize the pattern. | BP858left |
spectrum | A Bongard Problem involving a less-than/greater-than quantity comparison. | BP507left |
dual | A Bongard Problem in which there is a natural one-to-one correspondence between left examples and right examples; there is some clear way to transform an example that will flip its side. | BP534left |
arbitrary | The solution involves something arbitrary. Changing around this arbitrary detail gives way to many slightly different Bongard Problem with equally nice solutions. | BP950left |
handed | A Bongard Problem in which orientation is relevant; flipping examples might affect their sorting. | BP552left |
leftright | A Bongard Problem in which left-right orientation is relevant; flipping examples over the vertical axis might affect their sorting. | BP535left |
updown | A Bongard Problem in which up-down orientation is relevant; flipping examples over the horizontal axis might affect their sorting. | BP1009left |
rotate | A Bongard Problem in which rotation is relevant; rotating examples might affect their sorting. | BP553left |
size | A Bongard Problem in which absolute size is relevant; scaling examples might affect their sorting. | BP554left |
stretch | A Bongard Problem in which stretching examples might affect their sorting. | BP1112left |
boundingbox | A Bongard Problem in which expanding the bounding boxes of examples might affect their sorting. | BP974left |
blackwhite | A black and white Bongard Problem in which flipping the black and white pixels in examples might affect their sorting. | BP556left |
stable | A Bongard Problem in which small changes to examples cannot affect their sorting. | BP963right |
unstable | A Bongard Problem in which small changes to examples can affect their sorting. | BP963left |
number | The solution only depends on counting the number of something. | BP575right |
math | The solution is about mathematics. | BP571left |
physics | The solution is related to physical phenomena. | BP572left |
3d | A Bongard Problem about 3D objects such that the solution is unrelated to the particular 2D representation. | BP1010right |
projectionmatters | A Bongard Problem about 3D objects such that the solution is related to the particular 2D representation. | BP1010left |
hardsort | A Bongard Problem in which some examples might be hard to sort even after the solution is known. | BP864right |
antihuman | A Bongard Problem that is hard for people to solve and easier for computers to solve. | BP565left |
anticomputer | A Bongard Problem that is hard for computers to solve and easier for humans to solve. | BP565right |
subjective | A Bongard Problem in which sorting examples is subjective. | BP520left |
culture | A Bongard Problem that involves culture-based information. | BP521left |
solved | Somebody has solved this hard Bongard Problem (without hints). | BP826left |
challenge | Nobody has solved this hard Bongard Problem (without hints). | BP826right |
meta | A Bongard Problem whose examples are Bongard Problems. | BP537left |
links | A meta Bongard Problem whose examples are links to other pages on the OEBP. | BP1126left |
miniproblems | A meta Bongard Problem whose examples are miniature images of Bongard Problems. | BP1126right |
keyword | A meta Bongard Problem corresponding to one of the keywords in this list. | BP518left |
oebp | A Bongard Problem with solution related to the OEBP. | BP1113left |
example | A Bongard Problem that was included on the OEBP primarily to be used as an example in other, meta Bongard Problems. | BP1121left |
world | A Bongard Problem such that one of its sides is commonly used as the pool of examples (the world) for other Bongard Problems on the OEBP. | BP546left |
concept | A Bongard Problem with solution "Related to [concept] vs. not so." | BP814left |
metaconcept | A meta Bongard Problem listing Bongard Problems related to some specific concept. | BP519left |
primitive | A metaconcept Bongard Problem about a property primitive to visual cognition. (See Harry E. Foundalis's work.) | BP577left |
left-self | A meta Bongard Problem that is sorted on its own left side. This keyword is added to pages automatically. | BP517left |
right-self | A meta Bongard Problem that is sorted on its own right side. This keyword is added to pages automatically. | BP517right |
side | A meta Bongard Problem in which flipping the sides of Bongard Problems might affect their sorting. | BP539left |
sideless | A meta Bongard Problem in which any Bongard Problem and its flipped version are both sorted the same way. | BP539right |
invariance | A meta Bongard Problem about whether a certain transformation can affect examples' sorting. | BP566left |
creativeexamples | A Bongard Problem in which some examples fit the solution in varied creatively interesting ways. | BP866left |
presentationmatters | A meta Bongard Problem that does not sort Bongard Problems based solely on their solutions. | BP895left |
metameta | A Bongard Problem that sorts meta Bongard Problems. | BP547left |
metametameta | A Bongard Problem that sorts meta meta Bongard Problems. | BP1007left |
overriddensolution | A solution idea that can never be communicated because a simpler solution will always override it. | BP568left |
gap | A Bongard Problem in which the two sides are completely different classes of examples, with no clear choice of middle-ground in between. | BP964right |
distractingworld | The class of examples included is irrelevant to the solution idea. | BP865left |
animated | A Bongard Problem that uses animation in its examples. | BP995left |
color | A Bongard Problem that uses color in its examples. | BP976left |
proofsrequired | The OEBP encourages any user uploading an example to provide a proof the example fits where they think it does. | BP1125left |
noproofs | It is very difficult to be sure where an example fits in this Bongard Problem; a user uploading an example does not need to have a proof the example fits where they think it does; if an error is found, the community will correct it later. | BP1125right |
left-unknowable | It is impossible to be sure an example fits left in this Bongard Problem. Just sort as left the examples that nobody has yet found to fit right. | BP1124left |
right-unknowable | It is impossible to be sure an example fits right in this Bongard Problem. Just sort as right the examples that nobody has yet found to fit left. | BP1124right |
left-narrow | Left examples are distinctive enough alone to communicate the answer; right examples are unnecessary. | BP513left |
right-narrow | Right examples are distinctive enough alone to communicate the answer; left examples are unnecessary. | BP514left |
left-finite | A Bongard Problem with a finite number of possible examples fitting left. | BP515left |
right-finite | A Bongard Problem with a finite number of possible examples fitting right. | BP516left |
left-full | A Bongard Problem page that intends to collect ALL left examples. | BP573left |
right-full | A Bongard Problem page that intends to collect ALL right examples. | BP574left |
left-null | A Bongard Problem that would sort a blank panel on its left side. | BP567left |
right-null | A Bongard Problem that world sort a blank panel on its right side. | BP567right |
left-it | A meta Bongard Problem that sorts the "it" Problem on its left side. | BP1073left |
right-it | A meta Bongard Problem that sorts the "it" Problem on its right side. | BP1073right |
wellfounded | A meta Bongard Problem that contains no infinite chain of meta-Bongard Problems containing meta Bongard Problems . . . | BP794right |
feedback | A meta Bongard Problem that contains a chain of meta-Bongard Problems containing meta Bongard Problems . . . that eventually loops back to itself. | BP1074left |
ignoreimperfections | A Bongard Problem with hand-drawn examples that may be slightly wrong. | BP913right |
perfect | A Bongard Problem that does NOT have the typical slightly-wrong hand-drawings for examples; all subtle imperfections are relevant. | BP913left |
pixelperfect | The OEBP prefers for users to never submit images in which the pixellation is misleading. | BP947left |
infinitedetail | Images are intended to be parsed as infinitely detailed structures. | BP958left |
infodense | Each example is tightly packed with information the solver has to unpack in order to solve the Bongard Problem. | BP978left |
assumesfamiliarity | A Bongard Problem requiring the solver to go in with certain expectations for the solution to seem simple. | BP1111left |
structure | A Bongard Problem with all examples featuring a specific multi-part structure commonly used on the OEBP, e.g. the Bongard Problem. | BP789left |
consistentsymbols | A Bongard Problem in which there is an intended consistent way to parse symbols shown in the examples. | BP838left |
collective | A Bongard Problem in which there is no clear way to sort individual examples, but together many examples are able to communicate the idea. | BP837left |
finished | Users should not submit any more examples to this Problem. | BP504right |
help | The OEBP encourages users to upload examples that are designed to hint people toward the solution. | BP930left |
contributepairs | The OEBP encourages users to upload left and right examples in matching pairs. | BP919left |
instruction | A keyword added to Bongard Problem pages to instruct OEBP users about what kinds of edits they should make to the page rather than to catalogue a property of the Bongard Problem. | BP967right |
sequence | A Bongard Problem about arbitrarily long sequences of objects. | BP929left |
fixedsequence | A Bongard Problem about sequences of objects of fixed length. | BP929right |
unorderedpair | A Bongard Problem about comparing two objects such that the order of the objects does not matter. | BP787right |
orderedpair | A Bongard Problem about comparing a first object with a second object. | BP787left |
unorderedtriplet | A Bongard Problem about comparing three objects such that the order of the objects does not matter. | BP908right |
orderedtriplet | A Bongard Problem about comparing a first object, a second object, and a third object. | BP908left |
time | A Bongard Problem that can change how it sorts examples over time. This probably means the Bongard Problem has cultural references. | BP510left |
invalid | Something that does not quite fit the definition of Bongard Problem but is interesting enough to keep in the database. | BP522left |
impossible | A Bongard Problem page for an idea that couldn't physically be made into a Bongard Problem. | BP821left |
experimental | A Bongard Problem that was created to push boundaries of what Bongard Problems are allowed to be. | BP550left |
traditional | A Bongard Problem featuring black and white images with a simple solution property. | BP550right |
funny | An amusing Bongard Problem. | BP1000left |
blackwhiteinvariant | | BP556right |
left-listable | | BP563left |
bongard | | BP798left |
presentationinvariant | | BP895right |
right-listable | | BP940left |
visualimagination | | BP960left |
inductivedefinition | | BP1128left |
finishedexamples | | BP1142left |
continuous | | BP1152right |
discrete | | BP1152left |
rules | | BP1158left |
right-couldbe | | BP1159right |
left-couldbe | | BP1159left |
viceversa | | BP1162left |
problemkiller | | BP1170left |
fixedgrid | | BP1176right |
grid | | BP1176left |
miniworlds | | BP1180left |
both | | BP1188left |
neither | | BP1189left |
preciseworld | | BP1190left |
absoluteposition | | BP1195left |
bordercontent | | BP1196left |
dithering | | BP1198left |
stableworld | | BP1203right |
unstableworld | | BP1203left |
stability | | BP1204left |
deformstable | | BP1205right |
deformunstable | | BP1205left |
dependence | | BP1225left |
seemslike | | BP1231left |
testexample | | BP1242left |
missingproofs | | BP1243left |
collection | | BP1265left |