Concept |
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0 | | See zero | concept:zero |
1 | | See one | concept:one |
2 | | See two | concept:two |
2 inputs 1 output | | BP906 | concept:2_inputs_1_output |
3 | | See three | concept:three |
3d front back | P | BP639 | concept:3d_front_back |
3d impossible solid | | BP722 | concept:3d_impossible_solid |
3d net | | BP723 | concept:3d_net |
3d solid | | BP724 | concept:3d_solid |
4 | | See four | concept:four |
5 | | See five | concept:five |
above below | | BP578 | concept:above_below |
absence as presence | P | BP580 | concept:absence_as_presence |
absolute direction | | BP737 | concept:absolute_direction |
absolute position | P | BP581 | concept:absolute_position |
acceleration | | BP583 | concept:acceleration |
acute | | BP579 | concept:acute |
adjacent | P | BP585 | concept:adjacent |
all | P | BP588 | concept:all |
analogy | | BP584 | concept:analogy |
angle | P | BP587 | concept:angle |
antipodal | | BP619 | concept:antipodal |
approximately | | See imperfection_small | concept:imperfection_small |
area | | BP936 | concept:area |
arrow | | BP586 | concept:arrow |
average | P | BP589 | concept:average |
background | | BP594 | concept:background |
base | | BP590 | concept:base |
belongs | P | See categorization | concept:categorization |
between | P | BP595 | concept:between |
big | P | See size | concept:size |
black white inversion | | BP1106 | concept:black_white_inversion |
bongard problem | | BP598 | concept:bongard_problem |
bounding box | P | BP596 | concept:bounding_box |
bounding box corner | | BP611 | concept:bounding_box_corner |
bp solution | | BP665 | concept:bp_solution |
branch point | | BP597 | concept:branch_point |
capture game | | BP1287 | concept:capture_game |
center | | BP728 | concept:center |
center bounding box | | BP725 | concept:center_bounding_box |
center of circle | | BP726 | concept:center_of_circle |
center of mass | | BP727 | concept:center_of_mass |
chess-like | | BP599 | concept:chess-like |
choice | | BP980 | concept:choice |
circle | | BP526 | concept:circle |
close to | | See near_far | concept:near_far |
closed open | P | BP603 | concept:closed_open |
cluster | P | BP733 | concept:cluster |
cluster barycenter | | BP591 | concept:cluster_barycenter |
cluster of one | | BP732 | concept:cluster_of_one |
collinear | P | BP604 | concept:collinear |
collision | | BP857 | concept:collision |
color | P | See outlined_filled | concept:outlined_filled |
completed out of box | P | BP613 | concept:completed_out_of_box |
completeness | | BP605 | concept:completeness |
concave convex angle | | BP607 | concept:concave_convex_angle |
concave convex region | P | BP606 | concept:concave_convex_region |
conjunction logical | P | See and | concept:and |
connected component | | BP1236 | concept:connected_component |
continuous change | P | See discrete_continuous | concept:discrete_continuous |
contrast | | BP612 | concept:contrast |
convex hull | P | BP610 | concept:convex_hull |
convey enough information | | BP916 | concept:convey_enough_information |
coordinate | P | BP609 | concept:coordinate |
correspondence | P | BP615 | concept:correspondence |
counting | P | See iteration | concept:iteration |
cross section | | BP817 | concept:cross_section |
cube | | BP1103 | concept:cube |
curved straight | P | BP617 | concept:curved_straight |
curve texture | | BP761 | concept:curve_texture |
cusp | | BP614 | concept:cusp |
cyclic path | | BP618 | concept:cyclic_path |
decreasing | P | See size_increase_decrease | concept:size_increase_decrease |
diagonal | | BP1234 | concept:diagonal |
dimensionality | P | BP622 | concept:dimensionality |
direction | P | BP807 | concept:direction |
disjunction logical | P | See or | concept:or |
disorder | P | See pattern_or_random | concept:pattern_or_random |
distance from center | | BP819 | concept:distance_from_center |
distinguishing crossing curves | | BP1235 | concept:distinguishing_crossing_curves |
division | | BP624 | concept:division |
dot | P | BP679 | concept:dot |
downward upward | | BP625 | concept:downward_upward |
element grouping | | BP1277 | concept:element_grouping |
element wise symmetry | | BP1186 | concept:element_wise_symmetry |
elongated compact | P | BP626 | concept:elongated_compact |
entrance exit | | BP630 | concept:entrance_exit |
entropy | P | See pattern_or_random | concept:pattern_or_random |
equilateral triangle | | BP764 | concept:equilateral_triangle |
every other | | BP632 | concept:every_other |
exclusive or logical operator | | See xor | concept:xor |
existence | P | BP634 | concept:existence |
exists one | | BP635 | concept:exists_one |
exponential | | BP636 | concept:exponential |
extra part | | BP815 | concept:extra_part |
far from | | See near_far | concept:near_far |
feature cluster | | BP729 | concept:feature_cluster |
fewer | | See quantity_comparison | concept:quantity_comparison |
filled | P | See outlined_filled | concept:outlined_filled |
fractal | | BP638 | concept:fractal |
fraction | P | See ratio | concept:ratio |
function | | BP918 | concept:function |
gear | | BP642 | concept:gear |
ghost | | BP640 | concept:ghost |
golden ratio | | BP800 | concept:golden_ratio |
graph | | BP1023 | concept:graph |
gravity | | BP921 | concept:gravity |
greater | | See quantity_comparison | concept:quantity_comparison |
greater than | | See quantity_comparison | concept:quantity_comparison |
half | | BP644 | concept:half |
hole | P | BP641 | concept:hole |
horizontal | | BP645 | concept:horizontal |
identical | | BP643 | concept:identical |
iff | | BP647 | concept:iff |
imagined entity | P | BP741 | concept:imagined_entity |
imagined line or curve | | BP739 | concept:imagined_line_or_curve |
imagined motion | | BP742 | concept:imagined_motion |
imagined point | | BP738 | concept:imagined_point |
imagined shape | | BP740 | concept:imagined_shape |
impossible | | BP1134 | concept:impossible |
increasing | P | See size_increase_decrease | concept:size_increase_decrease |
infinite plane | | BP648 | concept:infinite_plane |
infinity | P | See finite_infinite | concept:finite_infinite |
innermost outermost | | BP649 | concept:innermost_outermost |
inside | P | BP651 | concept:inside |
interior exterior | P | BP652 | concept:interior_exterior |
intersection | P | See x-crossing | concept:x-crossing |
intersection | P | See overlap | concept:overlap |
isosceles triangle | | BP766 | concept:isosceles_triangle |
jigsaw puzzle | | BP656 | concept:jigsaw_puzzle |
knot | | BP655 | concept:knot |
large | P | See size | concept:size |
larger, becoming | P | See size_increase_decrease | concept:size_increase_decrease |
leftward rightward | | BP658 | concept:leftward_rightward |
left right | P | BP657 | concept:left_right |
length line or curve | P | BP659 | concept:length_line_or_curve |
less | | See quantity_comparison | concept:quantity_comparison |
less than | | See quantity_comparison | concept:quantity_comparison |
lesser | | See quantity_comparison | concept:quantity_comparison |
light dark | P | BP662 | concept:light_dark |
lines coincide | | BP602 | concept:lines_coincide |
line absolute direction | | BP734 | concept:line_absolute_direction |
line or curve endpoint | P | BP629 | concept:line_or_curve_endpoint |
line slope | P | BP701 | concept:line_slope |
liquid flow | | BP808 | concept:liquid_flow |
local global | | BP1244 | concept:local_global |
local max min | | BP663 | concept:local_max_min |
loop | P | BP661 | concept:loop |
maze | | BP664 | concept:maze |
mentally remove object | P | BP688 | concept:mentally_remove_object |
midpoint | | BP667 | concept:midpoint |
missing part | | BP668 | concept:missing_part |
more | | See quantity_comparison | concept:quantity_comparison |
most | | BP982 | concept:most |
motion | P | BP744 | concept:motion |
multiple of | | BP670 | concept:multiple_of |
neck narrowing | | BP671 | concept:neck_narrowing |
nesting | P | See recursion | concept:recursion |
notch | P | See indentation | concept:indentation |
nothing | P | See empty | concept:empty |
number | P | BP672 | concept:number |
number cluster | | BP730 | concept:number_cluster |
numerosity | | BP673 | concept:numerosity |
objects overlap | | BP745 | concept:objects_overlap |
object line overlap | | BP746 | concept:object_line_overlap |
odd | | See even_odd | concept:even_odd |
on line or curve | P | BP660 | concept:on_line_or_curve |
on sides of curve | P | BP689 | concept:on_sides_of_curve |
order | P | See pattern_or_random | concept:pattern_or_random |
ordinal orering | P | BP674 | concept:ordinal_orering |
outer outline | | BP675 | concept:outer_outline |
overlapping | P | See overlap | concept:overlap |
parallel | | BP984 | concept:parallel |
path | P | BP677 | concept:path |
percentage | P | See ratio | concept:ratio |
perimeter | | BP938 | concept:perimeter |
permutation | | BP923 | concept:permutation |
perpendicular | | BP985 | concept:perpendicular |
physically fitting | | BP890 | concept:physically_fitting |
plus | | See addition | concept:addition |
pointing to | P | BP683 | concept:pointing_to |
positive negative slope | | BP700 | concept:positive_negative_slope |
prime | | BP682 | concept:prime |
product | | BP910 | concept:product |
projection | | BP901 | concept:projection |
proportional | P | BP681 | concept:proportional |
protrusion | P | BP680 | concept:protrusion |
reachable | | BP685 | concept:reachable |
real motion | | BP743 | concept:real_motion |
recursion number | | BP1020 | concept:recursion_number |
regular irregular change | P | BP686 | concept:regular_irregular_change |
rigid | | See rigidity | concept:rigidity |
rotational direction | | BP736 | concept:rotational_direction |
rotational symmetry | | BP759 | concept:rotational_symmetry |
rotation required | P | BP690 | concept:rotation_required |
same | P | BP752 | concept:same |
same concept | | BP751 | concept:same_concept |
same feature | | BP748 | concept:same_feature |
same number | | BP749 | concept:same_number |
same shape | | BP750 | concept:same_shape |
self-reference | P | BP691 | concept:self-reference |
semidecidable | | BP1078 | concept:semidecidable |
separable entangled | | BP693 | concept:separable_entangled |
separated regions | | BP1021 | concept:separated_regions |
separation of joined objects | P | BP692 | concept:separation_of_joined_objects |
sequence | | BP697 | concept:sequence |
set intersection | P | BP653 | concept:set_intersection |
set union | P | BP713 | concept:set_union |
shape background | P | BP593 | concept:shape_background |
shape cluster | | BP731 | concept:shape_cluster |
sides of line | P | BP694 | concept:sides_of_line |
similar | | BP757 | concept:similar |
similar feature | | BP753 | concept:similar_feature |
similar number | | BP754 | concept:similar_number |
similar representation | | BP756 | concept:similar_representation |
similar shape | | BP755 | concept:similar_shape |
simplicity | | BP695 | concept:simplicity |
slope at endpoint | | BP628 | concept:slope_at_endpoint |
small | P | See size | concept:size |
smaller, becoming | P | See size_increase_decrease | concept:size_increase_decrease |
specificity | P | BP773 | concept:specificity |
specific shape | | BP770 | concept:specific_shape |
specific style | | BP771 | concept:specific_style |
specific value | | BP772 | concept:specific_value |
speed | P | BP698 | concept:speed |
square | | BP699 | concept:square |
square number | | BP702 | concept:square_number |
statistical variance | P | BP715 | concept:statistical_variance |
subtraction | | BP620 | concept:subtraction |
sum | | See addition | concept:addition |
symmetry | P | BP760 | concept:symmetry |
symmetry axis | | BP758 | concept:symmetry_axis |
t-crossing | P | See t-point | concept:t-point |
tangent | P | BP703 | concept:tangent |
tangent absolute direction | | BP735 | concept:tangent_absolute_direction |
tessellation | | BP704 | concept:tessellation |
texture | P | BP763 | concept:texture |
texture area | | BP762 | concept:texture_area |
tiling | | BP706 | concept:tiling |
together | | See near_far | concept:near_far |
topological density | | BP1117 | concept:topological_density |
topological transformation | | BP705 | concept:topological_transformation |
tracing lines or curves meet | P | BP666 | concept:tracing_lines_or_curves_meet |
tracing line or curve | P | BP708 | concept:tracing_line_or_curve |
triangle | | BP769 | concept:triangle |
triangle arrow | | BP768 | concept:triangle_arrow |
triangle incenter | | BP765 | concept:triangle_incenter |
triangle orthocenter | | BP767 | concept:triangle_orthocenter |
true false | P | BP709 | concept:true_false |
trunk of tree | | BP710 | concept:trunk_of_tree |
tumbles or stays put | | BP712 | concept:tumbles_or_stays_put |
turning direction | | BP711 | concept:turning_direction |
turn orientation | | BP601 | concept:turn_orientation |
uppermost lowermost | | BP714 | concept:uppermost_lowermost |
vertex of meeting lines | P | BP716 | concept:vertex_of_meeting_lines |
vertical | | BP804 | concept:vertical |
visual disparity | P | See 3d_depth | concept:3d_depth |
visual illusion | | BP717 | concept:visual_illusion |
wave | | BP721 | concept:wave |
wrapping around bounding box | | BP720 | concept:wrapping_around_bounding_box |
write in single stroke | | BP718 | concept:write_in_single_stroke |
x-point | P | See x-crossing | concept:x-crossing |