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Bongard's Dozen includes
a Bongard Problem and
an un-sorted box.
Fig. 1: Eleven boxes in this Bongard's Dozen.
In a typical Bongard's Dozen, the extra box will fit best either on the left or on the right side. You might ask someone to sort the extra box to test whether they know the answer to the Bongard Problem (without requiring them to talk about the solution in language).
There are two ways a Bongard Problem can clearly sort a specific box.
Fits on the left.
Fits on the right.
When neither of these is clear, the situation is ambiguous.
There are many reasons somebody might have trouble choosing which side of a Bongard Problem a box fits on. A common reason is that the person sorting the box doesn't know the answer to the Bongard Problem. But let us focus on the other ways a situation can be ambiguous.
Types of Ambiguity
(Keep in mind there are no clear-cut boundaries between these "types of ambiguity" in this made-up list.)
Ambiguities in Multiple Solutions
It is common for a Bongard Problem to admit more than one solution.
For example, the above Bongard Problem is "squares vs. triangles". But its solution could also be "squares vs. not squares" or "not triangles vs. triangles". If the two sides of a BP are not just the negations of one another, there will be multiple ways to define the threshold between the sides.
Ambiguity can result from an object not fitting cleanly into just one of the two collections.
- Fits on neither side.
Feels like “PUSH/PUSH” (“pushed away” by both collections)

For example, above, the wiggly black triangle is not a polygon outline, so it should go right, but it is also not a star, so it should go left.
- Fits in overlap of both sides.
Feels like “PULL/PULL” (“pulled in” by both collections)

For example, above, the square is a rhombus, so it should go left, but it is also a rectangle, so it should go right.
Why does the solution "rhombuses vs. rectangles" seem more natural than "not rectangles vs. not rhombuses"? One point is that "being a rectangle" and "being a rhombus" are both relatively "narrow" criteria as opposed to "not being a rectangle" and "not being a rhombus".
Let's say a "narrow" pattern is something a person can recognize by seeing enough examples, without needing counter-examples.
"Is a circle" is narrow (if you see many circles together, you will think "they are circles") while "is not a circle" is not (if you see many non-circular shapes together, you will think "they are shapes").
When a pattern is not narrow and its negation is narrow, call it "wide".
"Is not a circle" is wide.
A Bongard Problem can only communicate a wide pattern by showing the opposite narrow pattern on the other side.
- Fits on each side for independent reasons.
Usually feels like “PUSH/PUSH”

One side displays two distinct, narrow patterns, and the extra box fits one but not the other.
- Special case: one of these patterns has a wide (not narrow) negation shown on the other side.
- Fits that wide pattern.
Feels like “PUSH/PUSH” (feels like the non-special cases above)

- Fits that narrow pattern.
Feels like “PUSH/PULL” ("pulled" to wide side because we don’t register the wide property as being a requirement to fit on that side)

- The other pattern is also narrow on that side, and it too has a wide negation shown on the other side.
(If this is just understood as “grey diamonds vs. not that” instead of “grey and diamond vs. neither” then the ambiguity is instead “almost fits on the positive side” described below.)
- Doesn’t quite fit on either side, but is closer to one than the other.
Feels like “PUSH (less)/PUSH”
Here there is an intuitive choice for where to sort the box, but it clearly doesn't quite fit.
You could say this introduces a spectrum of closeness of fitting left versus right.
A Bongard Problem with just one solution idea (as opposed to two independent patterns) can still leave room for ambiguity.
Ambiguities on a Spectrum
- In between sides on spectrum.

(the extra box is itself)
Depending on the choice of a more specific threshold between the sides, the object could fit on either side.
- New object introduces spectrum not necessarily seen without it.

This is clearly ambiguity whereas fitting between sides in the established spectrum is less obviously ambiguous.
(This is arguably the same as “fits on neither side.”)
- Is both sides spliced together.

(This last example is additionally plain spectrum-ambiguous if you perceive the rule as “number of concavities” instead of “wiggly outline”)
- "Spectrum Neither"
Box falls in between sides on spectrum, but obviously fits with neither side.
Here, the two sides of the BP may be most easily interpreted as conceptual opposites, without thinking of a spectrum; there is a gap in between the sides on the spectrum. The extra box fits in that gap.
- On precise turning-point threshold.

- Past one end of spectrum
Here there is an intuitive choice for where to sort the box, but the object doesn't quite fit. Similar to “doesn’t quite fit on either side, but is closer to one than the other.”
- Introduces new spectrum (as above)

Ambiguities Within a Solution Idea
- Preference of handling border case.

The example points out there are cases which are not handled by the Bongard Problem. There may be various slightly different alternative versions of this Bongard Problem that handle border cases in various ways.
- Unclear box.
- Self-referential paradox. (Fits on a side ⇒ doesn’t fit on that side)
(the extra box is itself)
- Self-referential tautology. (Fits on one side ⇒ doesn’t fit on the other)
(the extra box is itself)
Other Ambiguities in One Solution
- Almost fits on the positive side where the pattern is "narrow" as described above and its negation is not.
As above, you could say this implicitly introduces a spectrum of "closeness of fitting," but it's unclear what the threshold for fitting should be.
- Doesn’t fit in with the "world" of things shown.

(Calling this “ambiguity” is a stretch--the new object just expands the BP to a wider range.)
Miscellaneous "Ambiguities"
Lastly, here are some real thinkers.