Left-sorted Bongard Problems have the keyword "proofsrequired" on the OEBP.
Right-sorted Bongard Problems have the keyword "noproofs" on the OEBP.
For every "noproofs" Bongard Problem there could be made a stricter "proofsrequired" version. This stricter version will be hardsort.
Deciding to make a Bongard Problem noproofs adds subjectivity to the sorting of examples (keyword subjective).
One interpretation of topology (a subject of mathematics -- see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topology ) is that a topology describes the observability of various properties. (The topological "neighborhoods" of a point are the subsets one could determine the point to be within using a finite number of measurements.) The analogue of restricting to just the cases where a property is observably true (i.e. "proofsrequired") corresponds to taking the topological "interior" of that property.
TO DO: It may be better to split each of these keywords up into two: "left-proofsrequired", "right-proofsrequired", "left-noproofs", "right noproofs".