(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Bongard Problems!)
BP893 As one quantity increases an equally obvious opposite quantity decreases vs. there is only one obvious quantity, which increases as the sequence progresses right.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Another way of phrasing the solution: "Neither direction would more naturally be called increase in quantity vs. rightward progression would be called an increase."

Most right examples shown are unboundedly increasing, since finite sequences showing a quantity increasing usually also suggest "distance to end of sequence" as a decreasing opposite quantity. Even so, there are some finite sequences with one direction more intuitively increase-like than the other.


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP888 BP889 BP890 BP891 BP892  *  BP894 BP895 BP896 BP897 BP898


creativeexamples, structure, rules


constant_change_seq_increase_right [smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

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