Search: all:new
BP1099 |
| Considering only the ways they are connected, anything that can be said about a given node can be said about every other node vs. not so. |
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BP1098 |
| Concave shapes whose cavities are similar to the shape vs. concave shape whose cavities are not similar to the shape. |
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BP1097 |
| "Fault line" present vs. not |
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BP1096 |
| Line between ends intersects symbol vs. not |
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BP1095 |
| Angle of incidence equals angle of reflection vs. not |
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BP1094 |
| Convex hulls intersect vs. not |
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BP1093 |
| "Inverted symmetry" present vs. not |
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Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1088 BP1089 BP1090 BP1091 BP1092  *  BP1094 BP1095 BP1096 BP1097 BP1098
nice, precise, allsorted, boundingbox, left-narrow, right-null, perfect, pixelperfect, preciseworld, bordercontent, blackwhiteinvariant
black_white_inversion (info | search)
[smaller | same | bigger]
Jago Collins
BP1092 |
| Has element-wise 180 degree rotational symmetry vs. does not. |
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