Search: author:Leo Crabbe
BP1113 |
| Bongard Problems relating to the OEBP vs. Bongard Problems unrelated to the OEBP. |
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BP1112 |
| "Stretch-dependent" Bongard Problems vs. Bongard Problems in which examples can be stretched (or compressed) along any axis without being sorted differently. |
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BP1103 |
| Bongard Problem with solution relating to concept: cube vs. Bongard Problem unrelated to this concept. |
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BP1084 |
| Images of Bongard Problems about images of Bongard Problems vs. images of Bongard Problems not including images of Bongard Problems. |
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BP1083 |
| Image of Bongard Problem where each left example corresponds intuitively to a right example vs. image of Bongard Problem whose examples do not share this correlation. |
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BP1010 |
| Bongard Problems about the properties of 2D representations of 3D objects vs. (still 2D) Bongard Problems about the properties of the 3D objects represented. |
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BP995 |
| Animated visual Bongard Problems vs. static visual Bongard Problems. |
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BP987 |
| Solution could appear in a Bongard Problem featuring an image of itself on either of its sides vs. solution can appear in a Bongard Problem featuring an image of itself on a certain side only. |
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All examples are Bongard Problems fitting left in BP954.
This is very close to BP927, specialized to Bongard Problems fitting left in BP954. The difference is that a Bongard Problem solution would fit left in BP927 but right here if it can sort images of it on both sides, but it is impossible to make an image of it fractally including itself on a certain side. An example is EX7997.
Meta Bongard Problems appearing in BP793 that are presentationinvariant necessarily fit right here. |
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP982 BP983 BP984 BP985 BP986  *  BP988 BP989 BP990 BP991 BP992
abstract, meta (see left/right), miniproblems, creativeexamples, assumesfamiliarity, structure, presentationinvariant, visualimagination
fractal (info | search), recursion (info | search), self-reference (info | search)
Leo Crabbe
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