(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Bongard Problems!)
BP1284 Both players playing "capture game" optimally vs. one or both players make mistakes.
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In the depicted "capture game", the objective is to capture your opponent's piece by moving to a node they are occupying. Players take turns moving their pieces. You can only move to a node that is linked to yours. Optimal play can either lead to a win-lose state or a draw state.

A frame where only one black disc is visible signifies that a player has taken the other's piece, winning the game.


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1279 BP1280 BP1281 BP1282 BP1283  *  BP1285 BP1286 BP1287 BP1288 BP1289


teach, animated

CONCEPT capture_game (info | search)


Leo Crabbe

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