(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Bongard Problems!)
BP1282 If two players take turns moving moving the black circles with the intention of capturing their opponent's piece, one can always "checkmate" the other vs. the game results in a draw if the players play optimally.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Players can only move their piece to a node connected to their current position. A win is secured by moving to a node your opponent is occupying.

Which player that can force a win in left-sorted examples can change depending on who moves first.


See BP1284 for an animated Problem about the same game.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1277 BP1278 BP1279 BP1280 BP1281  *  BP1283 BP1284 BP1285 BP1286 BP1287


allsorted, unwordable, notso, teach

CONCEPT capture_game (info | search)


Leo Crabbe

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