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BP956 Nested pairs of brackets vs. other arrangement of brackets (some open brackets are not closed or there are extra closing brackets).
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Examples on the left are also known as "Dyck words".




Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP951 BP952 BP953 BP954 BP955  *  BP957 BP958 BP959 BP960 BP961


easy, nice, precise, allsorted, unwordable, notso, sequence, traditional, inductivedefinition, preciseworld, left-listable, right-listable

CONCEPT recursion (info | search)


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP1129 An oval is sorted left; shapes are sorted left when they can be built out of others sorted left by A) joining side by side (at a point) or B) joining one on top of the other (joining one's entire bottom edge to the other's entire top edge).
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

This was an unintended solution for BP1130.

In category theory lingo, left examples are built by repeated horizontal composition and vertical composition. (Making horizontal lines as 0-ary vertical compositions is here forbidden.)


Anything fitting right in BP1130 fits right here.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1124 BP1125 BP1126 BP1127 BP1128  *  BP1130 BP1131 BP1132 BP1133 BP1134


hard, less, convoluted, solved, inductivedefinition

CONCEPT or (info | search)


[smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP1200 The whole rectangle can be filled in by successively replacing pairs of adjacent rectangles with one vs. not so.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Another wording: "can be repeatedly broken along 'fault lines' to yield individual pieces vs not."


Robert Dawson, A forbidden suborder characterization of binarily composable diagrams in double categories, Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 1, No. 7, p. 146-145, 1995.


All of the examples fitting left here would fit right in BP1199 except for (1) a single rectangle, (2) two rectangles stacked vertically, or (3) two rectangles side by side horizontally.

All of the examples fitting right in in BP1097 (re-styled) would fit right here (besides a single solid block, but that isn't shown there).

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1195 BP1196 BP1197 BP1198 BP1199  *  BP1201 BP1202 BP1203 BP1204 BP1205


hard, precise, challenge, proofsrequired, inductivedefinition, left-listable, right-listable


Aaron David Fairbanks

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