There are various problematic cases left out. Are black and white to be inverted within a fractal's convex hull or its outermost outline?
Must this outline be preserved around the smaller inverted version of the fractal, or is it allowed to bleed into other white areas?
No examples have been included in this Bongard Problem whose placement depends on these questions.
Adjacent-numbered pages: BP1102 BP1103 BP1104 BP1105 BP1106  *  BP1108 BP1109 BP1110 BP1111 BP1112
perfect, infinitedetail
fractal [smaller | same | bigger]
Aaron David Fairbanks
Adjacent-numbered pages: BP1103 BP1104 BP1105 BP1106 BP1107  *  BP1109 BP1110 BP1111 BP1112 BP1113
right-null, perfect, infinitedetail, assumesfamiliarity, neither
These are sometimes called "irreptiles".
See BP532 for the version with only one size of tile allowed.
Adjacent-numbered pages: BP1114 BP1115 BP1116 BP1117 BP1118  *  BP1120 BP1121 BP1122 BP1123 BP1124
hardsort, proofsrequired, perfect, infinitedetail
[smaller | same | bigger]