Search: +meta:BP679
Displaying 1-10 of 10 results found.
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BP166 |
| Two clusters vs. three clusters. |
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BP167 |
| Every cluster has two clusters of dots vs. every cluster has three clusters of dots. |
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BP230 |
| The sum of vertices, line ends, and dots is 7 vs. not so. |
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BP317 |
| Number of enclosed black circles varies in correlation with enclosing circle outline size vs. not so. |
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BP318 |
| The numbers of dots can be put into a sequence of consecutive numbers vs. not so. |
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BP319 |
| The number of dots in one cluster is a multiple of the other vs. not so. |
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BP925 |
| The numbers of dots differ by three vs. not so. |
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BP926 |
| Numbers of dots in ascending order from left to right vs. numbers of dots neither in ascending nor descending order from left to right. |
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