Search: +ex:BP537
Displaying 1-10 of 10 results found.
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(all | no meta | meta)
(words | no words)
BP517 |
| Meta Bongard Problems that sort themselves left vs. meta Bongard Problems that sort themselves right. |
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BP518 |
| Keywords on the OEBP vs. other Bongard Problem pages. |
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BP537 |
| Meta Bongard Problems vs. other Bongard Problems. |
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BP546 |
| BPs with sides commonly used as the entire set of examples for other BPs on the OEBP vs. other BP pages. |
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BP547 |
| Meta Meta Bongard Problems vs. other Bongard Problems. |
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BP573 |
| BP page intends to include all possible examples fitting left vs. other BP pages. |
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Left-sorted BPs have the keyword "left-full" on the OEBP.
For meta-BPs about solution ideas, left-full only means the BP page hopes to include all fitting BP pages on the OEBP (as opposed to all possible Bongard Problems).
As with applying the keywords left-finite and right-finite, deciding what should count as "different" examples depends on the Bongard Problem.
Note this is not just BP574 (right-full) flipped.
TODO: Maybe this should be changed into two keywords: one for non-meta-BPs and one for meta-BPs. - Aaron David Fairbanks, Feb 11 2021 |
For non-meta BPs, left-full implies left-finite (at least until the OEBP implements a feature that allows algorithmic generation of infinite examples).
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP568 BP569 BP570 BP571 BP572  *  BP574 BP575 BP576 BP577 BP578
meta (see left/right), links, keyword
bppage [smaller | same | bigger]
Aaron David Fairbanks
BP687 |
| Bongard Problem with solution relating to concept: recursion vs. Bongard Problem unrelated to this concept. |
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BP967 |
| Keywords on the OEBP that observe properties of Bongard Problems vs. keywords on the OEBP that tag Bongard Problems with instruction for users. |
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