Search: concept:fractal
BP1114 |
| Fractals contain one another vs. only one contains the other. |
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BP1115 |
| Fractals tile one another vs. not so (fractals are rather tiled by some combination of one another and themselves). |
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BP1116 |
| Contains self somewhere within any area around any point within self vs. not so. |
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BP1118 |
| Self-similar only scaled about one point vs. multiple centers of self-similarity. |
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BP1119 |
| Tiled by finitely many smaller copies of itself (different sizes allowed) vs. not so. |
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BP1120 |
| No same-sized copies of self overlap vs. distinct same-sized copies overlap. |
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BP1122 |
| Content of any square is an image of the whole panel vs. not so. |
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BP1227 |
| Appears on its own right side vs. does not. |
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This was created as an example of a Bongard Problem that could include an image of a Bongard Problem with the same solution as itself but could not include the very image of itself (appearing within itself fractally). |
See also BP961, "appears on its own left side vs. appears on its own right side".
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1222 BP1223 BP1224 BP1225 BP1226  *  BP1228 BP1229 BP1230 BP1231 BP1232
stub, precise, allsorted, notso, handed, leftright, example, perfect, infinitedetail
fractal (info | search), recursion (info | search)
Aaron David Fairbanks
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