Search: +meta:BP1194
BP311 |
| Number of sides minus number of pluses = 3 vs. number of sides minus number of pluses = 4. |
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BP312 |
| Lines intersect within the box vs. lines intersect out of the box. |
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Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP307 BP308 BP309 BP310 BP311  *  BP313 BP314 BP315 BP316 BP317
precise, allsorted, boundingbox, perfect, unorderedpair, traditional, preciseworld, absoluteposition
completed_out_of_box (info | search), vertex_of_meeting_lines (info | search), imagined_point (info | search), imagined_line_or_curve (info | search), imagined_entity (info | search)
Jakub Štepo
BP313 |
| Closed curves clockwise, open curves counterclockwise vs. closed curves counterclockwise, open curves clockwise. |
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BP314 |
| Long distance between the marked locations vs. short distance between the marked locations. |
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BP315 |
| One area unreachable by the marked locations vs. all areas reachable by the marked locations. |
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BP316 |
| At least one path is a cycle vs. no path is a cycle. |
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BP317 |
| Number of enclosed black circles varies in correlation with enclosing circle outline size vs. not so. |
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BP318 |
| The numbers of dots can be put into a sequence of consecutive numbers vs. not so. |
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