Left examples have the keyword "animated" on the OEBP.
Adjacent-numbered pages: BP990 BP991 BP992 BP993 BP994  *  BP996 BP997 BP998 BP999 BP1000
meta (see left/right), links, keyword, wellfounded
visualbp [smaller | same | bigger]
Leo Crabbe
Adjacent-numbered pages: BP1074 BP1075 BP1076 BP1077 BP1078  *  BP1080 BP1081 BP1082 BP1083 BP1084
meta (see left/right), links, side, wellfounded
recursive_boxes_bp [smaller | same | bigger]
Aaron David Fairbanks
Adjacent-numbered pages: BP1076 BP1077 BP1078 BP1079 BP1080  *  BP1082 BP1083 BP1084 BP1085 BP1086
outline_or_fill_circle_bp_clear_set_of_ratios [smaller | same | bigger]