Contrast the keyword notso.
"Viceversa" BPs are often dual.
The solution to a less-than/greater-than quantity comparison Bongard Problem (keyword spectrum) where the two sides divide the spectrum in half can be phrased as "closer to left end of spectrum than right end vs. vice versa." Whether this is a natural way to phrase the solution depends on the kind of quantity being compared.
Here are some examples of spectra for which the "vice versa" phrasing tends to seem natural: left vs. right, up vs. down, black vs. white, higher quantity of [thing type 1] vs. higher quantity of [thing type 2].
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1157 BP1158 BP1159 BP1160 BP1161  *  BP1163 BP1164 BP1165 BP1166 BP1167