Search: +meta:BP1190
BP386 |
| Lower shape can be used as a tile to build the upper one vs. not so. |
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Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP381 BP382 BP383 BP384 BP385  *  BP387 BP388 BP389 BP390 BP391
nice, precise, allsorted, left-narrow, perfect, pixelperfect, orderedpair, traditional, preciseworld, left-listable, right-listable
tiling (info | search)
Jago Collins
BP390 |
| Each graph vertex is uniquely defined by its connections (the graph does not admit nontrivial automorphisms) vs. the graph admits nontrivial automorphisms. |
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BP391 |
| There exists an edge such that removing it yields two disconnected graphs (i.e., the minimum number of edges whose removal results in two disconnected graphs is 1) vs. the minimum number of edges whose removal results in two disconnected graphs is 2. |
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BP557 |
| Equal horizontal length vs. not |
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BP558 |
| Point sequence that is increasing or decreasing in height vs. point sequence that alternates in height |
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BP560 |
| There exists a closed trail that hits each edge exactly once vs. not so. |
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BP569 |
| Triangular number of dots vs. non-triangular number of dots |
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All examples in this Problem are groups of black dots.
The nth triangular number is the sum over the natural numbers from 1 to n, where n > 0. Note: 0 is the 0th triangular number. The first few triangular numbers are 0, 1, 3 (= 1+2) and 6 (= 1+2+3) |
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP564 BP565 BP566 BP567 BP568  *  BP570 BP571 BP572 BP573 BP574
nice, precise, allsorted, notso, number, math, left-narrow, left-null, help, preciseworld
dots [smaller | same | bigger]
Leo Crabbe
BP576 |
| Vertices may be partitioned into two sets such that no two vertices in the same set are connected versus not so. |
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