Search: all:new
BP1109 |
| Considering only the ways they are connected, anything that can be said about a given edge can be said about every other edge vs. not so. |
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BP1108 |
| Solid chunk of black space in neighborhood of any point of the fractal vs. solid chunk of white space in any neighborhood. |
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BP1107 |
| Contains smaller copy of self with black and white inverted vs. not so. |
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BP1106 |
| Bongard Problem with solution relating to concept: turning black regions white & white regions black vs. Bongard Problem unrelated to this concept. |
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BP1105 |
| Maze object features multiple branching paths vs. one path in maze object. |
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BP1104 |
| Vertically centered versus horizontally centered |
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It is easier to notice that the left examples are vertically centered than that the right examples are horizontally centered. - Aaron David Fairbanks, Dec 27 2022 |
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1099 BP1100 BP1101 BP1102 BP1103  *  BP1105 BP1106 BP1107 BP1108 BP1109
easy, nice, precise, minimal, boundingbox, perfect, pixelperfect, traditional, finishedexamples, preciseworld, absoluteposition, unstableworld
center_bounding_box (info | search), center (info | search)
horizontal_line_segment [smaller | same | bigger]
Widad Dabbas
BP1103 |
| Bongard Problem with solution relating to concept: cube vs. Bongard Problem unrelated to this concept. |
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BP1102 |
| Nodes share the same edge connections as the vertices of a cube vs. not so. |
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