Search: ex:BP1254
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BP534 |
| Bongard Problems such that potential left examples can intuitively be put in bijection with potential right examples vs. other Bongard Problems. |
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This is the keyword "dual" on the OEBP.
Given an example there is some way to "flip sides" by altering it. The left-to-right and right-to-left transformations should be inverses.
It is not required that there only be one such transformation. For example, for many handed Bongard Problem, flipping an example over any axis will reliably switch its sorting.
It is not required that every left example must have its corresponding right example uploaded on the OEBP nor vice versa. See the keyword contributepairs for the BPs the OEBP advises users upload left and right examples for in pairs. |
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP529 BP530 BP531 BP532 BP533  *  BP535 BP536 BP537 BP538 BP539
meta (see left/right), links, keyword, sideless
bp [smaller | same | bigger]
Aaron David Fairbanks
BP537 |
| Meta Bongard Problems vs. other Bongard Problems. |
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BP1126 |
| Meta Bongard Problems in which examples are pages on the OEBP vs. meta Bongard Problems in which examples are pictures of Bongard Problems. |
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Bongard Problems sorted left have the keyword "links" on the OEBP.
Bongard Problems sorted right have the keyword "miniproblems" on the OEBP.
The keyword "links" is automatically added to a Bongard Problem on the OEBP if a BP number is added as an example.
Meta Bongard problems that sort Bongard Problems purely based on their solutions (keyword presentationmatters) usually have two versions in the database: one that sorts images of Bongard Problems and one that sorts links to pages on the OEBP. If both versions exist, users should make them cross-reference one another. |
All the examples of miniature Bongard Problems within any meta Bongard Problem tagged "miniproblems" would fit left on BP1080 (which is a showcase of the various formats for images of Bongard Problems).
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1121 BP1122 BP1123 BP1124 BP1125  *  BP1127 BP1128 BP1129 BP1130 BP1131
meta (see left/right), links, keyword, world, left-self, metameta
metabp [smaller | same | bigger]
Aaron David Fairbanks
BP1162 |
| Bongard Problem with solution that can be naturally phrased as "___ vs. vice versa" vs. not so. |
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Bongard Problems sorted left obtain the keyword "viceversa" on the OEBP. |
Contrast the keyword notso.
"Viceversa" BPs are often dual.
The solution to a less-than/greater-than quantity comparison Bongard Problem (keyword spectrum) where the two sides divide the spectrum in half can be phrased as "closer to left end of spectrum than right end vs. vice versa." Whether this is a natural way to phrase the solution depends on the kind of quantity being compared.
Here are some examples of spectra for which the "vice versa" phrasing tends to seem natural: left vs. right, up vs. down, black vs. white, higher quantity of [thing type 1] vs. higher quantity of [thing type 2].
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1157 BP1158 BP1159 BP1160 BP1161  *  BP1163 BP1164 BP1165 BP1166 BP1167
notso, meta (see left/right), links, keyword, right-self
Aaron David Fairbanks
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