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BP200 Bongard Problem with solution based on features vs. Bongard Problem with solution based on number.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Every example is an image of a Bongard Problem, without bounding boxes around examples, with three examples on either side.


BP575 is similar.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP195 BP196 BP197 BP198 BP199  *  BP201 BP202 BP203 BP204 BP205


nice, meta (see left/right), miniproblems, creativeexamples, assumesfamiliarity, structure, experimental, presentationinvariant

CONCEPT bongard_problem (info | search),
bp_solution (info | search)


no_box_bpimage_three_drawings_per_side [smaller | same | bigger]


Harry E. Foundalis

BP793 Image of a Bongard Problem that would sort itself on its own left versus image of a Bongard Problem that would sort itself on its own right.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Rhetorical question: Where does this Bongard Problem sort an image of itself?

See BP999 and BP1004 for similar paradoxes.

Bongard Problems fitting left here evidently come in three categories: 1) would sort all Bongard Problems with the same solution left, 2) would sort all Bongard Problems with the same solution right, or 3) would sort some Bongard Problems with the same solution left and some right. See BP927.


See BP517 for the version with links to pages on the OEBP instead of images of Bongard Problems (miniproblems).

See BP954, which is about Bongard Problems not only sorting themselves, but moreover fractally appearing in themselves as panels.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP788 BP789 BP790 BP791 BP792  *  BP794 BP795 BP796 BP797 BP798


hard, nice, abstract, dual, handed, leftright, solved, meta (see left/right), miniproblems, creativeexamples, presentationmatters, assumesfamiliarity, structure, experimental


boxes_bpimage_sorts_self [smaller | same | bigger]
zoom in left (boxes_bpimage_sorts_self_left) | zoom in right (boxes_bpimage_sorts_self_right)


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP795 Image of a Bongard Problem that would sort itself on its own right versus image of a Bongard Problem that would sort itself on its own left.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)


This the flipped version of BP793 but using only images of Bongard Problems with solution "__ half more black/less white than other half versus vice versa," that all use rotated, reflected, and inverted versions of the same examples.


See BP971 (left vs. right more black) and BP972 (top vs. bottom more black).

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP790 BP791 BP792 BP793 BP794  *  BP796 BP797 BP798 BP799 BP800


hard, nice, abstract, dual, handed, leftright, meta (see left/right), miniproblems, presentationmatters, left-finite, right-finite, assumesfamiliarity, structure, experimental, funny


bongard_hell [smaller | same | bigger]
zoom in left | zoom in right


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP796 Image of a Bongard Problem that would sort a blank panel on its left versus image of a Bongard Problem that would sort a blank panel on its right.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

See BP567 for the version with links to pages on the OEBP instead of images of Bongard Problems (miniproblems).

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP791 BP792 BP793 BP794 BP795  *  BP797 BP798 BP799 BP800 BP801


hard, nice, abstract, dual, handed, leftright, challenge, meta (see left/right), miniproblems, creativeexamples, assumesfamiliarity, structure, presentationinvariant


boxes_bpimage [smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP802 Image of Bongard Problem such that reflecting over the dividing line leaves the solution invariant versus not so.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP797 BP798 BP799 BP800 BP801  *  BP803 BP804 BP805 BP806 BP807


nice, meta (see left/right), miniproblems, creativeexamples, presentationmatters, assumesfamiliarity, structure


boxes_bpimage [smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP803 Image of Bongard Problem such that rotating by a half-turn leaves the solution invariant versus not so.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP798 BP799 BP800 BP801 BP802  *  BP804 BP805 BP806 BP807 BP808


nice, meta (see left/right), miniproblems, creativeexamples, presentationmatters, assumesfamiliarity, structure


boxes_bpimage_three_per_side [smaller | same | bigger]
zoom in left (half_turn_invariant_bp_image_3_per_side)


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP827 Image of noisy Bongard Problem vs. image of Bongard Problem with minimal noise.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

"Noise" is a property that changes between examples which is independent to the solution property.


See BP511 for the version with links to pages on the OEBP instead of images of Bongard Problems (miniproblems).

See BP845 for noise in sequences of quantity increase.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP822 BP823 BP824 BP825 BP826  *  BP828 BP829 BP830 BP831 BP832


nice, meta (see left/right), miniproblems, creativeexamples, presentationmatters, assumesfamiliarity, structure, contributepairs


boxes_bpimage_three_per_side [smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP828 Image of Bongard Problem with one simple solution vs. image of Bongard Problem with two "independent" simple solutions.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Properties are considered independent if none logically implies the other (or its opposite).

Another way of putting it is that on the right, the most descriptive good solution is of the form "[property 1] AND [property 2] vs. neither".


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP823 BP824 BP825 BP826 BP827  *  BP829 BP830 BP831 BP832 BP833


nice, meta (see left/right), miniproblems, creativeexamples, assumesfamiliarity, structure

CONCEPT exists_one (info | search),
two (info | search)


boxes_bpimage_three_per_side [smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP829 Image of a Bongard Problem with no simple solution versus image of a Bongard Problem with a simple solution.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Left examples have no solution, but they do not break the rules in ways so extreme that it is plainly impossible for them to have a solution, such as including the same image on both sides or including no images per side. (See such as including the same image on both sides or including no images per side.


See BP522 for the version with links to pages on the OEBP instead of images of Bongard Problems (miniproblems).

See BP968 (flipped) for a version of this Bongard Problem including examples of invalid Bongard Problems that don't even admit a convoluted solution (the same image appears on both sides).

Also see BP1080, which is similar to BP968, but including various different formats of Bongard Problems, distinguishing them from arbitrary images that are not Bongard Problems.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP824 BP825 BP826 BP827 BP828  *  BP830 BP831 BP832 BP833 BP834


nice, meta (see left/right), miniproblems, creativeexamples, left-unknowable, right-narrow, assumesfamiliarity, structure, help, presentationinvariant

CONCEPT existence (info | search),
simplicity (info | search),
zero (info | search)


boxes_bpimage_three_per_side_nosoln_allowed [smaller | same | bigger]
zoom in right (boxes_bpimage_three_per_side)


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP830 Image of a Bongard Problem with left side a "positive" property and right side the "negative" property versus vice versa.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Left: the left hand side is enough to communicate the answer; the left pattern can be seen without the counterexamples on the right.

Right: the right hand side is enough to communicate the answer; the right pattern can be seen without counterexamples on the left.

Flipping a BP will switch its sorting.

The following is taken from the comments on page BP513 (keyword left-narrow):

Call a pattern "narrow" if it is likely to be noticed in a collection of examples, without any counterexamples provided.

A collection of triangles will be recognized as such; "triangles" is a narrow pattern. A collection of non-triangular shapes will just be seen as "shapes"; "not triangles" is not narrow.

Narrow patterns tend to be phrased positively ("is [property]"), while non-narrow patterns opposite narrow patterns tend to be phrased negatively ("is not [property]").


See keywords left-narrow and right-narrow.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP825 BP826 BP827 BP828 BP829  *  BP831 BP832 BP833 BP834 BP835


dual, handed, leftright, meta (see left/right), miniproblems, contributepairs, viceversa, presentationinvariant


boxes_bpimage_three_per_side [smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

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