Search: +ex:BP352
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BP592 |
| Bongard Problem with solution relating to concept: becoming larger / becoming smaller vs. Bongard Problem unrelated to this concept. |
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BP654 |
| Bongard Problem with solution relating to concept: iteration (discrete, within the example) vs. Bongard Problem unrelated to this concept. |
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BP708 |
| Bongard Problem with solution relating to concept: tracing along a line or curve vs. Bongard Problem unrelated to this concept. |
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BP789 |
| Bongard Problems in which all examples have the same format, a specific multi-part structure vs. other Bongard Problems. |
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Left examples have the keyword "structure" on the OEBP.
Examples of "structures": Bongard Problem, Bongard Problem with extra unsorted panel ("Bongard's Dozen"), 4-panel analogy grid, sequence of objects with a quantity changing by a constant amount.
If the solver hasn't become familiar with the featured structure, the Bongard Problem's solution may seem convoluted or inelegant. (See keyword assumesfamiliarity.) Once the solver gets used to seeing a particular structure it becomes easier to read that structure and solve Bongard Problems featuring it.
A Bongard Problem can non-verbally teach someone how a particular structure works, showing valid examples of that structure versus non-examples. E.g., BP968 for the structure of Bongard Problems and BP981 for the structure of analogy grids. |
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP784 BP785 BP786 BP787 BP788  *  BP790 BP791 BP792 BP793 BP794
meta (see left/right), links, keyword
bp [smaller | same | bigger]
Aaron David Fairbanks
BP866 |
| Bongard Problems that admit examples fitting the solution in various creative ways vs. not so. |
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Left-sorted Bongard Problems have the keyword "creativeexamples" on the OEBP.
Be encouraged to contribute new interesting examples to Bongard Problems with this keyword.
There is much overlap with the keyword hardsort.
This is what it usually means to say examples fit on (e.g.) the left of a Bongard Problem in various creative ways: there is no (obvious) general method to determine a left-fitting example fits left.
There is a related idea in computability theory: a "non recursively enumerable" property is one that cannot in general be checked by a computer algorithm.
But keep in mind the tag "creativeexamples" is supposed to mean something less formal. For example, it requires no ingenuity for a human being to check when a simple shape is convex or concave (so BP4 is not labelled "creativeexamples"). However, it is not as if we use an algorithm to do this, like a computer. (It is not even clear what an "algorithm" would mean in this context, since it is ambiguous both what class of shapes the Bongard Problem sorts and how that would be encoded into a computer program's input. There are usually many options and ambiguities like this whenever one tries to formalize the content of a Bongard Problem.) |
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP861 BP862 BP863 BP864 BP865  *  BP867 BP868 BP869 BP870 BP871
notso, meta (see left/right), links, keyword
bp [smaller | same | bigger]
Aaron David Fairbanks
BP929 |
| Bongard Problems about sequences of arbitrary length vs. Bongard Problems about sequences in which all examples have the same sequence length. |
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BP1158 |
| Bongard Problems in which each example communicates a rule vs. other Bongard Problems. |
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Left-sorted Bongard Problems have the keyword "rules" on the OEBP.
In the typical "rules" Bongard Problem, it is possible to come up with many convoluted rules that fit each example, but the intended interpretation is the only simple and obvious one.
Since it is difficult to communicate a rule with little detail, "rules" Bongard Problems are usually infodense.
Typically, each example is itself a bunch of smaller examples that all obey the rule. It is the same as how a Bongard Problems relies on many examples to communicate rules; likely just one example wouldn't get the answer across.
On the other hand, in BP1157 for example, each intended rule is communicated by just one example; these rules have to be particularly simple and intuitive, and the individual examples have to be complicated enough to communicate them.
Often, each rule is communicated by showing several examples of things satisfying it. (See keywords left-narrow and right-narrow.) Contrast Bongard Problems, which are more communicative, by showing some examples satisfying the rule and some examples NOT satisfying the rule.
A "rules" Bongard Problem is often collective. Some examples may admit multiple equally plausible rules, and the correct interpretation of each example only becomes clear once the solution is known. The group of examples together improve the solver's confidence about having understood each individual one right.
It is common that there will be one or two examples with multiple reasonable interpretations due to oversight of the author. |
All meta Bongard Problems are "rules" Bongard Problems.
Many other Bongard-Problem-like structures seen on the OEBP are also about recognizing a pattern. (See keyword structure.)
"Rules" Bongard Problems are abstract, although the individual rules in them may not be abstract. "Rules" Bongard Problems also usually have the keyword creativeexamples.
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1153 BP1154 BP1155 BP1156 BP1157  *  BP1159 BP1160 BP1161 BP1162 BP1163
fuzzy, meta (see left/right), links, keyword, left-self, rules
Aaron David Fairbanks
BP1194 |
| Bongard Problems listed in Harry E. Foundalis's collection vs. not. |
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