Search: author:Leo Crabbe
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BP1252 |
| No entirely white paths from one side to another vs. one can find such a path. |
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BP1249 |
| Any straight path will hit a black region vs. not so. |
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BP1248 |
| No straight path passes from a white region to a grey one, then to white again (without hitting black) vs. such a path exists. |
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BP1247 |
| No straight path from one side of the panel to the other passes through the grey shape without hitting a black region vs. such a path exists. |
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BP1240 |
| Contains an un-nested white rectangle vs doesn't |
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BP1202 |
| Color of any region is an equal mix of the colors of the overlapping shapes vs. not so. |
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BP1187 |
| Smaller section tiles the grid vs. not so. |
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BP1185 |
| Smaller section tiles the grid (element-wise rotation of tiles allowed) vs. not so. |
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