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BP841 Any relationship that exists between one object and another exists between each object and some other versus not so.
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For example, in a picture on the left of this Bongard Problem, if object A turned 90 degrees clockwise is object B, then there is also an object C which is B turned 90 degrees clockwise.

Positioning is irrelevant.

In all images, any pair of objects ought to be related in a unique (most intuitive) way. Furthermore, one object is not allowed to be related to two distinct objects by the same relationship. Even for images on the right, each analogy of objects A:B::C:_ should have one clear answer, although that object is perhaps missing.

Relationships described by "[undoable action] applied to ___ is ___" will always form what in mathematics is called a "group". These relationships can be chained one after another to form a total compound relationship (turn 90 degrees clockwise + turn 90 degrees clockwise = turn 180 degrees), and each relationship has an "inverse" relationship that undoes it and vice versa (turn 90 degrees clockwise + turn 90 degrees counterclockwise = do nothing).

(Moreover actions are by nature associative.)

Sometimes the relationships in a picture wouldn't be consistently read the same way by everybody. For example, if there is a picture showing an L shape next to all vertical and horizontal reflections and 90 degree rotations of it, somebody might read

⅃ L

to be the same relationship as



Meanwhile, someone else might think ⅃ L should be called the same relationship as ┗━ ━┛. There is a conflict between "flipping over the vertical line (within the letter 'L')" and "flipping over a vertical line (in the background space)."

Likewise in any illustration of related objects (as in this Bongard Problem) people might interpret [the transformation that sends A to B] as analogous to [the transformation that sends [transformation x applied to A] to [transformation x applied to B] ].

A "commutative" (also called "abelian") group is a group in which there is no difference between the two in each case. Displayed using pictures like the ones in this Bongard Problem, only commutative groups of relationships can be expected to be read consistently by people.





See BP842 and BP840 for versions about particular groups.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP836 BP837 BP838 BP839 BP840  *  BP842 BP843 BP844 BP845 BP846


nice, rules, miniworlds


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Aaron David Fairbanks

BP840 Any transformation (rotation or flip) that sends one L to another L sends each L to some other L versus not so.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Restriction of BP841 to these axis-aligned L-shapes.

Left examples represent subgroups of the dihedral group D4.


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP835 BP836 BP837 BP838 BP839  *  BP841 BP842 BP843 BP844 BP845




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Aaron David Fairbanks

BP842 Any permutation of positions that sends one string of symbols to another sends each string of symbols to some other versus not so.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Restriction of BP841 to permutations.


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP837 BP838 BP839 BP840 BP841  *  BP843 BP844 BP845 BP846 BP847


hard, contributepairs, traditional

CONCEPT permutation (info | search)


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Aaron David Fairbanks

BP1110 The process that turns one object into the other is the same both ways vs. the process changes depending on which object is chosen as the starting point.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)




This is a special case of BP841 and a generalisation of BP822.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1105 BP1106 BP1107 BP1108 BP1109  *  BP1111 BP1112 BP1113 BP1114 BP1115


nice, abstract, math, anticomputer, creativeexamples, left-narrow, unorderedpair, rules, miniworlds, dithering

CONCEPT function (info | search)


Leo Crabbe

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