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Revision history for BP1190

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BP1190 on 2022-04-15 21:16:11 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

"Allsorted" (left-BP509) implies "exactdivide".

"Allsorted" + "fuzzy" is equivalent to "exactdivide".

(So "exactdivide" is unnecessary. Get rid of it? Or get rid of "exact"/"fuzzy"? - Aaron David Fairbanks, Apr 15 2022)

BP1190 on 2022-04-15 21:01:40 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left-sorted Bongard Problems are tagged with the keyword "exactworld" on the OEBP.

Right-sorted Bongard Problems are tagged with the keyword "exactdivide" on the OEBP.

See keyword "exact" (left-BP508).

For a Bongard Problem fitting left, the intended class of relevant examples is clear; however, there are some potential examples that a person might reasonably classify on either side.

For a Bongard Problem fitting right, a person given any potential example would clearly be able to determine whether it fits left or right (or neither); however, there isn't an exact boundary to the pool of "potential examples".

These are finer-grained keywords to use instead of "exact". We could get rid of the keyword "exact" and in its place start using the combination of both keywords "exactworld" and "exactdivide". But it is convenient to have one keyword for "exact", since it is very common.

If there are potential border case examples that would clearly be left unsorted, the Bongard Problem can still be labelled "exactdivide".

BP1190 on 2022-04-15 20:59:05 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

"Allsorted" (left-BP509) implies "exactdivide".

"Allsorted" + "fuzzy" is equivalent to "exactdivide".

(So "exactdivide" is unnecessary. Remove it? - Aaron David Fairbanks, Apr 15 2022)

BP1190 on 2022-04-15 20:50:03 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

"Allsorted" (left-BP509) implies "exactdivide".

BP1190 on 2022-04-15 20:43:18 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left-sorted Bongard Problems are tagged with the keyword "exactworld" on the OEBP.

Right-sorted Bongard Problems are tagged with the keyword "exactdivide" on the OEBP.

See keyword "exact" (left-BP508).

For a Bongard Problem fitting left, the intended class of relevant examples is clear; however, there are some potential examples that a person might reasonably classify on either side.

For a Bongard Problem fitting right, a person given any potential example would clearly be able to determine whether it fits left or right (or neither); however, there isn't an exact boundary to the pool of "potential examples".

These are finer-grained keywords to use instead of "exact". We could get rid of the keyword "exact" and in its place start using the combination of both keywords "exactworld" and "exactdivide". But it is more convenient to have one keyword for "exact", since it is very common.

If there are potential border case examples that would clearly be left unsorted, the Bongard Problem can still be labelled "exactdivide".

BP1190 on 2022-04-15 20:35:52 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left-sorted Bongard Problems are tagged with the keyword "exactworld" on the OEBP.

Right-sorted Bongard Problems are tagged with the keyword "exactdivide" on the OEBP.

See keyword "exact" (left-BP508).

For a Bongard Problem fitting left, the intended class of relevant examples is clear; however, there are some potential examples that a person might reasonably classify on either side.

For a Bongard Problem fitting right, a person given any potential example would clearly be able to determine whether it fits left or right (or neither); however, there isn't an exact boundary to the pool of "potential examples".

These are finer-grained keywords to use instead of "exact".

If there are potential border case examples that would clearly be left unsorted, the Bongard Problem can still be labelled "exactdivide".

BP1190 on 2022-04-15 20:34:32 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Left-sorted Bongard Problems are tagged with the keyword "exactworld" on the OEBP.

Right-sorted Bongard Problems are tagged with the keyword "exactdivide" on the OEBP.

See keyword "exact" (left-BP508).

For a Bongard Problem fitting left, the intended class of relevant examples should be clear; however, there are some potential examples that a person might reasonably classify on either side.

For a Bongard Problem fitting right, a person given any potential example would clearly be able to sort it; however, there isn't an exact boundary to the pool of "potential examples".

These are finer-grained keywords to use instead of "exact".

If there are potential border case examples that would clearly be left unsorted, the Bongard Problem can still be labelled "exactdivide".

BP1190 on 2022-04-15 20:28:16 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Imprecisely defined BPs with a precisely defined pool of examples vs. imprecisely defined BPs with a precisely defined distinction between the two sides.

BP1190 on 2022-04-15 20:26:42 by Aaron David Fairbanks                approved

Imprecisely defined BPs with a precisely defined pool of examples vs. imprecisely defined BPs with a precisely defined division between the two sides.


Left-sorted Bongard Problems are tagged with the keyword "exactworld" on the OEBP.

Right-sorted Bongard Problems are tagged with the keyword "exactdivide" on the OEBP.

See keyword "exact" (left-BP508).

For a Bongard Problem fitting left, the intended class of relevant examples should be clear; however, there are some potential examples that a person might reasonably classify on either side.

For a Bongard Problem fitting right, a person given any potential example would clearly be able to sort it on one of the sides; however, there isn't an exact boundary to the pool of "potential examples".

These are finer-grained keywords to use instead of "exact".


Aaron David Fairbanks

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