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BP951 Process described leaves some inputs invariant vs. no output will resemble its input.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

There are many ambiguities here. The solver is expected to determine what things are "allowed" to be inputs for each process. To avoid confusion examples should not be sorted differently if you consider inputting nothing.

In each example there is at least some overlap between the set of possible inputs and the set of possible outputs for each process. If we did not apply this constraint, an easy example to be sorted right would be a process that turns blue shapes red.

A harder-to-read but more clearly defined version of this Problem could include within each example a mini Bongard Problem sorting left all allowed inputs for the process.




Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP946 BP947 BP948 BP949 BP950  *  BP952 BP953 BP954 BP955 BP956


structure, rules, miniworlds

CONCEPT function (info | search)


Leo Crabbe

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