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BP852 Object shown below is the "limit" of the sequence above (end result after "infinite time") versus not so.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

The conceptual limit of the sequence may not be the limit of the points in the image. For example in a sequence of halvings the limit value is never reached, so the bottom would never change color and thus its limit would not would not either.

Sequences progress from left to right (and there is not usually a way to intuitively extend the sequence in the other direction).


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP847 BP848 BP849 BP850 BP851  *  BP853 BP854 BP855 BP856 BP857


notso, creativeexamples, perfect, infinitedetail, assumesfamiliarity, structure, contributepairs, rules


Aaron David Fairbanks

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