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Search: ex:EX2802
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BP234 Circle falls by gravity on the right of all other objects if let loose vs. circle falls by gravity on the left of all other objects if let loose.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP229 BP230 BP231 BP232 BP233  *  BP235 BP236 BP237 BP238 BP239


dual, handed, leftright, physics, orderedtriplet, traditional

CONCEPT bounding_box (info | search),
downward_upward (info | search),
left_right (info | search),
line_absolute_direction (info | search),
absolute_direction (info | search),
imagined_motion (info | search),
motion (info | search),
direction (info | search),
gravity (info | search)


Peter Shanahan

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