Left-sorted BPs have the keyword "left-self" on the OEBP. Right-sorted BPs have the keyword "right-self."
These keywords are added to pages automatically.
Rhetorical questions: Where does this BP sort itself? Where does this BP sort the flipped version of itself?
See BP793 for the version sorting pictures of Bongard Problems (miniproblems) instead of links to pages on the OEBP.
See BP1075 for an example of a BP that is tagged "left-self" but would still be tagged "left-self" after the sides in the title were flipped. (This is unusual; a "left-self" BP after being flipped is typically "right-self" and vice versa.)
Bongard Problems that are hard for humans to solve but easier for computers to solve vs. Bongard Problems that are hard for computers to solve but easier for humans to solve.