Search: +meta:BP684
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BP288 |
| The sum of the ratios of the filled areas is 1 vs. the sum of the ratios of the filled areas is other than 1. |
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BP306 |
| Ratio of inside to outside identical shapes is constant vs. not so. |
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BP505 |
| Number indicated on number line conceptually related to image shown below vs. not so. |
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BP1044 |
| More black circles than white circles vs. at least as many white circles as black circles. |
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BP1045 |
| More of some color vs. half and half. |
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BP1046 |
| More white circles than black circles vs. at least as many black circles as white circles. |
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BP1047 |
| At least twice as many of one color than the other vs. neither color attains double the other. |
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BP1048 |
| Colors divide dots into some fifths vs. not so. |
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