Search: subworld:everything
BP1069 |
| Infinitely many branches vs. finitely many branches. |
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BP1070 |
| Dead end vs. no dead ends. |
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BP1071 |
| Two of the same kind within in one region vs. not so. |
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BP1072 |
| Filled subsection is largest square that divides the grid vs. not so |
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BP1073 |
| Bongard Problems that would sort this Bongard Problem left vs. Bongard Problems that would sort this Bongard Problem right. |
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This is the "it" Problem.
Left-sorted Bongard Problems have the keyword "left-it" on the OEBP.
Right-sorted Bongard Problems have the keyword "right-it" on the OEBP. |
Left-it or right-it implies feedback.
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1068 BP1069 BP1070 BP1071 BP1072  *  BP1074 BP1075 BP1076 BP1077 BP1078
nice, meta (see left/right), links, keyword, side, metameta, feedback, time, experimental, funny, testexample, presentationinvariant
recursion (info | search), self-reference (info | search)
linksbp [smaller | same | bigger]
Aaron David Fairbanks
BP1074 |
| Meta Bongard Problem in a chain of Problems containing other Problems that eventually loops back to itself vs. this cannot happen. |
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BP1075 |
| Bongard Problem is the beginning of a chain of meta Bongard Problems containing meta Bongard Problems on the left side that eventually ends in BP1 vs. not so. |
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BP1076 |
| Meta Bongard Problems sorting BP1 left vs. meta Bongard Problems sorting BP1 right. |
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