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BP859 |
| Black pixel vs. white pixel. |
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BP858 |
| Bongard Problems whose examples might be used to teach the rule of the solution vs. other Bongard Problems. |
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Left examples have the keyword "teach" on the OEBP.
Sometimes instead of gauging somebody's ability to guess the pattern, a Bongard Problem might teach the pattern.
Consider a Bongard Problem whose left examples are images of a specific person's face; after seeing that Problem, one might be able to recognize that person.
A "teach" Bongard Problem (with a huge number of examples) could be taken as a training set for machine learning.
"Teach" BPs tend to be convoluted, arbitrary, cultural-knowledge-based (keyword culture), or they illustrate some insight that might be overlooked, perhaps mathematical (keyword math). |
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP853 BP854 BP855 BP856 BP857  *  BP859 BP860 BP861 BP862 BP863
meta (see left/right), links, keyword
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Aaron David Fairbanks
BP857 |
| Bongard Problems with solution relating to concept: collision of objects vs. Bongard Problems unrelated to this concept. |
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BP856 |
| Compound shape would hit the dot if rotated vs. not so. |
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BP855 |
| Object below ambiguously sorted (not clearly left or right) by Bongard Problem image above vs. object below clearly sorted by Bongard Problem image above. |
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BP854 |
| Nothing vs. nothing. |
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BP853 |
| Prime knot vs. composite knot. |
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BP852 |
| Object shown below is the "limit" of the sequence above (end result after "infinite time") versus not so. |
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