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BP909 |
| Totally ordered triplet comparison Bongard Problems vs. partially ordered triplet comparison Bongard Problems |
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BP908 |
| Ordered triplet comparison Bongard Problems vs. unordered triplet comparison Bongard Problems |
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Left examples have the keyword "orderedtriplet" on the OEBP.
Right examples have the keyword "unorderedtriplet" on the OEBP.
An ordered triplet can be totally ordered (swapping any 2 objects would change the information being conveyed by the panel) or partially ordered (unordered pair and a 3rd object that relates to the pair). |
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP903 BP904 BP905 BP906 BP907  *  BP909 BP910 BP911 BP912 BP913
meta (see left/right), links, keyword
triplet_comparison_bp [smaller | same | bigger] zoom in left (ordered_triplet_comparison_bp)
Leo Crabbe
BP907 |
| One dot cluster is the product of the other two vs. not so. |
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BP906 |
| Bongard Problem with solution relating to concept: 2 inputs 1 output vs. Bongard Problem unrelated to this concept. |
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BP905 |
| Graph can be redrawn such that no edges intersect vs. not so. |
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BP904 |
| Rows show all possible ways a certain number of dots can be divided between a certain number of bins vs. not so. |
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BP902 |
| This Bongard Problem vs. anything else. |
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Although this Bongard Problem is self-referential, it's only because of the specific phrasing of the solution. "BP902 vs. anything else" would also work. The number 902 could have been chosen coincidentally. |
See BP953, BP959.
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP897 BP898 BP899 BP900 BP901  *  BP903 BP904 BP905 BP906 BP907
notso, meta (see left/right), links, left-self, left-narrow, left-finite, left-full, right-null, right-it, invalid, experimental, funny
self-reference (info | search), specificity (info | search)
everything [smaller | same] zoom in left (bp902)
Leo Crabbe
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