Search: user:Jago Collins
BP992 |
| Concave shapes with concave cavities vs. convex cavities |
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All examples in this Problem are solid concave black shapes. In this Problem, the "cavities" of a concave shape are defined to be the convex hull of the shape minus the shape itself. For example, if you take a bite out of the edge of a piece of paper, the piece of paper in your mouth is the cavity of the bitten piece of paper. The idea may be indefinitely extended, considering whether the cavities of the cavities are concave or convex, and so on. |
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP987 BP988 BP989 BP990 BP991  *  BP993 BP994 BP995 BP996 BP997
nice, precise, perfect, traditional
recursion_number (info | search), recursion (info | search)
concave_fill_shape [smaller | same | bigger]
Jago Collins
BP986 |
| Palindromes vs. not palindromes. |
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All examples in this Problem are sequences of graphic symbols. In this Problem, a "palindrome" is taken to be an ordered sequence which is the same read left-to-right as it is read right-to-left. A more formal solution to this Problem could be: "Sequences which are invariant under a permutation which swaps first and last entries, second and second last entries, third and third last entries, ... and so on vs. sequences which are not invariant under the aforementioned permutamation." |
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP981 BP982 BP983 BP984 BP985  *  BP987 BP988 BP989 BP990 BP991
nice, precise, allsorted, notso, sequence, traditional, miniworlds
element_wise_symmetry (info | search), identical (info | search), sequence (info | search), same_shape (info | search), same (info | search), symmetry (info | search)
[smaller | same | bigger] zoom in left | zoom in right
Jago Collins
BP975 |
| Symmetric vs. Asymmetric relations between the red and blue circles. |
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Each example in this Bongard Problem consists of mini-panels containing the same arrangement of circles (ignoring colouring). Each mini-panel has a single circle highlighted in red, and possibly some circles highlighted in blue. A strict rule for this Bongard Problem could be something like "If a circle is blue in one mini-panel and red in a second mini-panel, then the red circle from the first mini-panel is blue in the second mini-panel." The relation intepretation is that a circle is related to the red circle if and only if it is coloured blue. BP973 is a similar problem. |
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP970 BP971 BP972 BP973 BP974  *  BP976 BP977 BP978 BP979 BP980
convoluted, color, infodense, rules
Jago Collins
BP973 |
| Transitive vs. non-transitive relations between the red and blue circles. |
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Each example in this Bongard Problem consists of mini-panels containing the same arrangement of circles (ignoring colouring). Each mini-panel has a single circle highlighted in red, and possibly some circles highlighted in blue. A strict rule for this Bongard Problem could be something like "If a circle is blue in one mini-panel and red in a second mini-panel, then there are no blue circles in the second mini-panel that weren't already blue in the first mini-panel." The relation interpretation is that a circle is related to the red circle if and only if it is coloured blue. |
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP968 BP969 BP970 BP971 BP972  *  BP974 BP975 BP976 BP977 BP978
convoluted, color, infodense, rules
Jago Collins
BP968 |
| Valid Bongard Problem vs. invalid Bongard Problem. |
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"Invalid Bongard Problems" are images that look sort of like Bongard Problems but aren't actually Bongard Problems.
With many examples included, this Problem might be placed somewhere to nonverbally show someone the subtler rules about what is allowed and what isn't allowed in Bongard Problems.
See BP829 for the Bongard Problem about Bongard Problems with no clear solution. |
See BP522 (flipped) for a version with links to pages on the OEBP instead of images of Bongard Problems (miniproblems).
See BP829 (flipped) for a near exact copy of this Bongard Problem idea but that does not include images with two of the same boxes on either side.
Also see BP1080, which includes various different formats of Bongard Problems, distinguishing them from arbitrary images that are not Bongard Problems.
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP963 BP964 BP965 BP966 BP967  *  BP969 BP970 BP971 BP972 BP973
teach, meta (see left/right), miniproblems, assumesfamiliarity, structure
Jago Collins
BP944 |
| Image of Bongard Problem that would sort ANY image of a valid Bongard Problem on one of its sides vs. image of Bongard Problem whose categorization of a BP image would depend on the solution or examples in it. |
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"Any" here means any image of a Bongard Problem in the relevant format, i.e. with white background, black vertical dividing line, and examples in boxes on either side.
All examples shown in this Problem clearly sort themselves on the left or right.
A self-referential but maybe simpler solution is "would sort all examples in this whole Bongard Problem on one of its sides vs. not so." Users adding examples please try to maintain this: for any example you add to the right of this Bongard Problem, make sure it does not sort all the other examples in this Bongard Problem on just one of its sides. - Aaron David Fairbanks, Aug 26 2020 |
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP939 BP940 BP941 BP942 BP943  *  BP945 BP946 BP947 BP948 BP949
hard, challenge, presentationinvariant
boxes_bpimage_sorts_self [smaller | same | bigger] zoom in left | zoom in right
Jago Collins
BP924 |
| Polygons where all sides are different lengths vs. Polygons where not all sides are different lengths. |
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All examples in this Problem are outlines of convex polygons.
This is a generalisation of scalene triangles to any polygon. |
The left side implies the right side of BP329 (regular vs. irregular polygons), but the converse is not true.
The left side of BP329 implies the right side, but the converse is not true.
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP919 BP920 BP921 BP922 BP923  *  BP925 BP926 BP927 BP928 BP929
Any scalene triangle will fit on the left, because no two sides are equal.
However, any regular polygon will not fit on the left, because all of its sides are equal.
A random convex polygon will "almost surely" fit on the left. |
nice, stretch, right-narrow, traditional
all (info | search)
polygon_outline [smaller | same | bigger]
Jago Collins
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