Adjacent-numbered pages: BP940 BP941 BP942 BP943 BP944  *  BP946 BP947 BP948 BP949 BP950
precise, allsorted, number, left-null, help, preciseworld
dots [smaller | same | bigger]
Leo Crabbe
Numbers of dots on the left can be obtained by repeatedly doubling 1 dot.
Numbers of dots on the left are the number of corners of a cube in some dimension.
Adjacent-numbered pages: BP983 BP984 BP985 BP986 BP987  *  BP989 BP990 BP991 BP992 BP993
stub, precise, allsorted, number, left-narrow, right-null, help, preciseworld
Aaron David Fairbanks
Zero is intentionally left out to avoid confusion (although it would fit right).
Adjacent-numbered pages: BP984 BP985 BP986 BP987 BP988  *  BP990 BP991 BP992 BP993 BP994
stub, precise, number, math, left-narrow, right-null, help, preciseworld