Search: keyword:precise
BP104 |
| One circle passes through the center of the other circle vs. no circle passes through the center of the other circle. |
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BP210 |
| Part of at least one object is out of box vs. all objects are within the box. |
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BP292 |
| Angle made by shapes with vertex at square is not acute vs. angle made by shapes with vertex at square is acute. |
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BP312 |
| Lines intersect within the box vs. lines intersect out of the box. |
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Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP307 BP308 BP309 BP310 BP311  *  BP313 BP314 BP315 BP316 BP317
precise, allsorted, boundingbox, perfect, unorderedpair, traditional, preciseworld, absoluteposition
completed_out_of_box (info | search), vertex_of_meeting_lines (info | search), imagined_point (info | search), imagined_line_or_curve (info | search), imagined_entity (info | search)
Jakub Štepo
BP321 |
| Small round object unreachable from the border of the box vs. small round object reachable from the border of the box. |
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Equivalently, "small round object enclosed by white loop vs. not so." |
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP316 BP317 BP318 BP319 BP320  *  BP322 BP323 BP324 BP325 BP326
nice, precise, allsorted, boundingbox, perfect, pixelperfect, traditional, bordercontent
bounding_box (info | search), path (info | search), reachable (info | search)
Aaron David Fairbanks
BP322 |
| One outer outline vs. more than one outer outline. |
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BP324 |
| Left shapes can be placed on top of each other to make right shape vs. not so. |
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BP325 |
| Left shapes can combine by symmetric difference (XOR logical operator) to make right shape vs. left shapes can combine by intersection (AND logical operator) to make right shape. |
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BP329 |
| Regular polygon vs. not regular polygon. |
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BP334 |
| Odd number of dots vs. even number of dots. |
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See BP334 for a version of the same idea, but using arbitrary shapes instead of dots.
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP329 BP330 BP331 BP332 BP333  *  BP335 BP336 BP337 BP338 BP339
precise, allsorted, number, math, left-narrow, right-narrow, right-null, help, traditional, preciseworld
even_odd (info | search)
dots [smaller | same | bigger]
Aaron David Fairbanks
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