Search: -meta:BP787
BP378 |
| The two objects are conceptually related vs. the two objects are conceptually unrelated. |
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BP557 |
| Equal horizontal length vs. not |
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BP809 |
| Figures can be transformed into one another by smooth stretching (before and after there are the same crossroad-points; there is a curve connecting points before if and only if there is a curve connecting those points after) vs. not so. |
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BP810 |
| Figures can be transformed into one another by smooth stretching (intersection points stay constant; paths connecting those points remain), while remaining within the 2d box vs. movement out of the plane required. |
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BP822 |
| Two drawn polyhedra are duals vs. not so. |
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BP863 |
| Two shapes can tessellate the plane together vs. not so. |
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BP922 |
| One row is rearranged to make the other by swapping an odd number of object pairs vs. one row is rearranged to make the other by swapping an even number of object pairs. |
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BP925 |
| The numbers of dots differ by three vs. not so. |
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