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Search: +meta:BP732
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BP347 No pattern (variety of shapes) vs. all shapes have something in common.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

See BP378 for a similar idea using just two objects per example.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP342 BP343 BP344 BP345 BP346  *  BP348 BP349 BP350 BP351 BP352


nice, left-unknowable, right-narrow, traditional

CONCEPT existence (info | search),
shape_cluster (info | search),
cluster_of_one (info | search),
cluster (info | search)


several_small_misc [smaller | same | bigger]


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP349 One object does not belong to the pattern of the rest vs. all objects form one pattern.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

The left examples are the right examples with one object altered, which makes the solution easier to see.

"Odd one out."


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP344 BP345 BP346 BP347 BP348  *  BP350 BP351 BP352 BP353 BP354


anticomputer, help, contributepairs, traditional, rules

CONCEPT categorization (info | search),
existence (info | search),
feature_cluster (info | search),
number_cluster (info | search),
shape_cluster (info | search),
cluster_of_one (info | search),
cluster (info | search),
one (info | search)


Aaron David Fairbanks

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