Search: keyword:precise
BP1201 |
| The only triangles are the individual regions and the whole vs. there is some other triangle made of triangles. |
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BP1202 |
| Color of any region is an equal mix of the colors of the overlapping shapes vs. not so. |
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BP1208 |
| More triangles left than right vs. more triangles right than left. |
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BP1212 |
| Shape tiles a square vs. not |
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BP1216 |
| Arrow pointing north-west vs. arrow pointing south-east. |
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BP1218 |
| Arrow pointing north-west vs. arrow pointing elsewhere. |
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BP1222 |
| Same shape up to resizing vs. different shapes. |
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BP1227 |
| Appears on its own right side vs. does not. |
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This was created as an example of a Bongard Problem that could include an image of a Bongard Problem with the same solution as itself but could not include the very image of itself (appearing within itself fractally). |
See also BP961, "appears on its own left side vs. appears on its own right side".
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1222 BP1223 BP1224 BP1225 BP1226  *  BP1228 BP1229 BP1230 BP1231 BP1232
stub, precise, allsorted, notso, handed, leftright, example, perfect, infinitedetail
fractal (info | search), recursion (info | search)
Aaron David Fairbanks
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