Search: author:Leo Crabbe
BP1099 |
| Considering only the ways they are connected, anything that can be said about a given node can be said about every other node vs. not so. |
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BP1090 |
| Top piece can slide into bottom area in such that there is an unbroken black horizontal region vs. not so. |
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BP1084 |
| Images of Bongard Problems about images of Bongard Problems vs. images of Bongard Problems not including images of Bongard Problems. |
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BP1083 |
| Image of Bongard Problem where each left example corresponds intuitively to a right example vs. image of Bongard Problem whose examples do not share this correlation. |
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BP1082 |
| Shapes are congruent if (and only if) they are enclosed in the same space vs. not so. |
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BP1080 |
| Image of a Bongard Problem vs. other image. |
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BP1017 |
| Line segments linking same-coloured dots would intersect vs. not so. |
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This is a less noisy version of BP261.
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1012 BP1013 BP1014 BP1015 BP1016  *  BP1018 BP1019 BP1020 BP1021 BP1022
easy, nice, precise, allsorted, perfect, traditional, finishedexamples, preciseworld
lines_coincide (info | search), imagined_line_or_curve (info | search), imagined_entity (info | search), overlap (info | search)
Leo Crabbe
BP1013 |
| Neighbouring tiles share exactly 1 side vs not so. |
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