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BP994 Net corresponds to a solid that can tessellate 3D space vs. net does not correspond to a solid that can tessellate 3D space.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

More specifically these solids are polyhedra, and are often called "space-filling".

There is ambiguity here regarding some nets that can be folded to make multiple different solids. For example EX8175 could correspond to a cuboid with a pyramid-like protrusion at each end, a protrusion at one end and an indent at the other, or 2 indents. Only the second of these options can tessellate 3D space. For clarity's sake examples like this are not sorted on either side.


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP989 BP990 BP991 BP992 BP993  *  BP995 BP996 BP997 BP998 BP999


stub, precise, 3d, perfect, preciseworld

CONCEPT 3d_net (info | search),
3d_solid (info | search)


polyhedron_net [smaller | same | bigger]


Leo Crabbe

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