Left-sorted Bongard Problems have the keyword "left-couldbe" on the OEBP.
Right-sorted Bongard Problems have the keyword "right-couldbe".
In a "couldbe" Bongard Problem, some relevant information is left out by the way objects are displayed. Solutions to "left-couldbe" BPs sound like "Could be a ___ vs. definitely not a ___" (and vice versa for "right-couldbe" BPs.)
To put it in mathematical jargon, there is a "projection" function from objects to pictures, such that objects satisfying property X are mapped to the same picture as objects not satisfying property X. Sorted on the "couldbe" side is the image (under projection) of the collection of objects satisfying property X.
Furthermore, usually X is a relatively narrow criterion, so that most objects do not satisfy it (see keywords left-narrow and right-narrow), and all pictures are in the image (under projection) of the collection of objects not satisfying property X. |