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BP1105 Maze object features multiple branching paths vs. one path in maze object.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

This was created as an example of a distractingworld Bongard Problem. Each example shows a distractingly detailed scene, irrelevant to the solution.

Despite this distraction, the keyword noisy does not fit this Bongard Problem because only details relevant to the solution change between examples.


Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1100 BP1101 BP1102 BP1103 BP1104  *  BP1106 BP1107 BP1108 BP1109 BP1110


easy, nice, arbitrary, example, distractingworld, experimental


Aaron David Fairbanks

BP865 The class of included examples is distractingly irrelevant to the solution vs. not so.
(edit; present; nest [left/right]; search; history)

Left examples have keyword "distractingworld" on the OEBP.

This is different than the kind of distraction mentioned at noisy, which means there are details that are irrelevant to the solution changing between examples.

To label a BP "distractingworld" is to judge that the type of examples are more specific than should have been necessary to communicate the same general solution idea--this involves separating out which ideas are the nice ideas the BP really ought to have been about, and which ideas seem unimportant and irrelevant. On the other hand, to label a BP "noisy" is just to notice there are extra properties varying that are independent of the solution property.


Distractingworld BPs are often arbitrary.

Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP860 BP861 BP862 BP863 BP864  *  BP866 BP867 BP868 BP869 BP870


BP1105 was created as an extreme example of this. All images in that BP show the same distractingly detailed background, irrelevant to the solution.


stub, fuzzy, abstract, subjective, meta (see left/right), links, keyword


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Aaron David Fairbanks

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