Search: author:Aaron David Fairbanks
BP568 |
| Solution idea would not be chosen as the simplest solution vs. there is not a simpler solution that always comes along with it. |
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Left examples have the keyword "overriddensolution" on the OEBP.
An "overriddensolution" is solution idea for a Bongard Problem that would not be chosen by the solver because there is a simpler solution that always comes with it.
An overridden solution occurs when the Bongard Problem's examples on both sides all share some constraint, and furthermore within this constrained class of examples, the intended rule is equivalent to a simpler rule that can be understood without noticing the constraint. See e.g. BP1146. The solver of the Bongard Problem will get the solution before noticing the constraint.
There is a more extreme class of overridden solution: not only is the solution possible to overlook in favor of something simpler, but even with scrutiny it will likely never be recognized. See e.g. BP570. This happens when intended left and right side rules are not direct negations of one another, but one or both of these rules is not "narrow"-- it can only be communicated in a Bongard Problem by its opposite being on the other side.
TO DO: Should this more extreme version have its own keyword? - Aaron David Fairbanks, Nov 23 2021
The keyword left-narrow (resp. right-narrow) is for Bongard Problems whose left-side (resp. right-side) rule can be recognized alone without examples on the other side.
The keyword notso is for Bongard Problems whose two sides are direct negations of one another. |
See keyword impossible for solution ideas that cannot even apply to any set of examples, much less be communicated as the best solution.
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP563 BP564 BP565 BP566 BP567  *  BP569 BP570 BP571 BP572 BP573
BP570 "Shape outlines that aren't triangles vs. black shapes that aren't squares" was created as an example of this. |
meta (see left/right), links, keyword
bp [smaller | same | bigger]
Aaron David Fairbanks
BP567 |
| Visual Bongard Problems that would sort a blank panel on the left vs. visual Bongard Problems that would sort a blank panel on the right. |
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BP566 |
| Meta Bongard Problems of the form "[transformation] applied to some examples switch their sorting vs. sorting is invariant under [transformation]" vs. other meta Bongard Problems. |
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Left-sorted Bongard Problems have the keyword "invariance" on the OEBP.
Bongard Problems labelled "invariance" are usually (but not always) about transformations that can be undone by other transformations of the same class. (The technical term for this kind of transformation is an "isomorphism".)
When the transformations used in a "invariance" Bongard Problem vary continuously, there could usually be made a corresponding stability Bongard Problem. Stability Bongard Problems are like "invariance" Bongard Problems but for arbitrarily small applications of [transformation] affecting examples' sorting.
Potentially, stability Bongard Problems could be considered "invariance" Bongard Problems. On one hand, they are different, since checking whether arbitrarily small transformations switch an example's sorting is different from checking whether a particular transformation switches an example's sorting; the former is infinitely many conditions. On the other hand, there is actually only finitely much detail in any of the examples, and in practice a stability Bongard Problem generally just amounts to "a small application of [transformation] switches an example's sorting vs. not".
(The keyword gap is another example of a Bongard Problem currently labelled with "invariance" that arguably does not technically fit.)
Also, dependence Bongard Problems could be considered "invariance" Bongard Problems, where the relevant kind of transformation is swapping the example out for any other example that shares the relevant property. |
"Invariance" Bongard Problems are notso Bongard Problems.
"Invariance" Bongard Problems are often keywords (keyword keyword) on the OEBP.
See keyword problemkiller, which is about transformations making all sorted examples unsortable.
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP561 BP562 BP563 BP564 BP565  *  BP567 BP568 BP569 BP570 BP571
meta (see left/right), links, keyword, metameta
linksbp [smaller | same | bigger]
Aaron David Fairbanks
BP561 |
| Meta Bongard Problems fitting in their own world vs. other meta Bongard Problems. |
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BP554 |
| Size-dependent Bongard Problems vs. size-independent visual Bongard Problems. |
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BP553 |
| Rotation-dependent Bongard Problems vs. rotation-independent visual Bongard Problems. |
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BP552 |
| Orientation-dependent Bongard Problems vs. orientation-independent visual Bongard Problems. |
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Left examples have the keyword "handed" on the OEBP.
If mirroring any example along the any axis can change its sorting the BP is "handed."
Note that BPs about comparing orientation between multiple things in one example fit on the right side. |
See BP871 for the version with pictures of Bongard Problems (miniproblems) instead of links to pages on the OEBP.
The keyword leftright is specifically about flipping over the vertical axis, while the keyword updown is specifically about flipping over the horizontal axis.
Bongard Problems tagged rotate are usually "handed", since any rotation can be created by two reflections. Not necessarily, however, since the reflected step in between might not be sorted on either side by the Bongard Problem.
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP547 BP548 BP549 BP550 BP551  *  BP553 BP554 BP555 BP556 BP557
meta (see left/right), links, keyword, invariance, wellfounded
visualbp [smaller | same | bigger] zoom in left (handed_visualbp)
Aaron David Fairbanks
BP550 |
| Experimental Bongard Problems vs. traditional-style Bongard Problems. |
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Left examples have the keyword "experimental" on the OEBP.
Right examples have the keyword "traditional" on the OEBP.
Experimental BPs push the boundaries of what makes Bongard Problems Bongard Problems.
Traditional BPs show some simple property of black and white pictures. The OEBP is a place with many wild and absurd Bongard Problems, so it is useful to have an easy way to just find the regular old Bongard Problems. |
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP545 BP546 BP547 BP548 BP549  *  BP551 BP552 BP553 BP554 BP555
subjective, meta (see left/right), links, keyword, left-it
bp [smaller | same | bigger]
Aaron David Fairbanks
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