Search: +meta:BP741
Displaying 51-60 of 61 results found.
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BP368 |
| There is a point that can see (in straight lines) all points vs. there is no point that can see (in straight lines) all points. |
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BP383 |
| When the shape is removed from the dots, the dots give enough information to place the shape back where it was vs. not so. |
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BP388 |
| White dot can see (in straight lines) all black points vs. white dot cannot see (in straight lines) all black points. |
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BP390 |
| Each graph vertex is uniquely defined by its connections (the graph does not admit nontrivial automorphisms) vs. the graph admits nontrivial automorphisms. |
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BP391 |
| There exists an edge such that removing it yields two disconnected graphs (i.e., the minimum number of edges whose removal results in two disconnected graphs is 1) vs. the minimum number of edges whose removal results in two disconnected graphs is 2. |
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BP394 |
| For each colored square only, there exists a path starting on it that covers each square of the figure exactly once vs. there is no path that starts on a colored square and covers each square of the figure exactly once. |
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BP990 |
| The center of mass can "see" (in straight lines) all points within the shape vs. the center of mass is not located in a region where it can see (in straight lines) all points. |
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BP1011 |
| Polygon can be inscribed in a circle vs. not so. |
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BP1015 |
| Segment drawn between two points intersects another line vs segment drawn between two points does not intersect any other lines |
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BP1017 |
| Line segments linking same-coloured dots would intersect vs. not so. |
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This is a less noisy version of BP261.
Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP1012 BP1013 BP1014 BP1015 BP1016  *  BP1018 BP1019 BP1020 BP1021 BP1022
easy, nice, precise, allsorted, perfect, traditional, finishedexamples, preciseworld
lines_coincide (info | search), imagined_line_or_curve (info | search), imagined_entity (info | search), overlap (info | search)
Leo Crabbe
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