Search: +meta:BP672
Displaying 51-60 of 63 results found.
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BP277 |
| One object vs. two or more objects. |
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BP281 |
| Equal number of horizontal and vertical lines vs. unequal number of horizontal and vertical lines. |
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BP296 |
| All three sizes are present vs. only two of the three sizes present. |
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BP311 |
| Number of sides minus number of pluses = 3 vs. number of sides minus number of pluses = 4. |
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BP318 |
| The numbers of dots can be put into a sequence of consecutive numbers vs. not so. |
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BP319 |
| The number of dots in one cluster is a multiple of the other vs. not so. |
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BP505 |
| Number indicated on number line conceptually related to image shown below vs. not so. |
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BP925 |
| The numbers of dots differ by three vs. not so. |
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