Search: -meta:BP1112
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BP330 |
| 1-D curve vs. 2-D shape. |
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BP331 |
| Image of something 2-D vs. image of something 3-D. |
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BP332 |
| Wireframe drawing of solid vs. drawing of opaque solid. |
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BP348 |
| Shape on the right is the convex hull of shape on the left vs. not so. |
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BP363 |
| Counterclockwise along the curve following the arrow vs. clockwise along the curve following the arrow. |
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BP367 |
| Center of mass within the black area of the shape vs. center of mass out of the black area of the shape. |
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BP368 |
| There is a point that can see (in straight lines) all points vs. there is no point that can see (in straight lines) all points. |
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BP369 |
| All points (small white circles) on one figure can be glued together to make the other figure vs. not so. |
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