Search: +meta:BP696
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BP248 |
| Dashed lines inside solid shape make an identical but slightly smaller shape, parallel to the one outside vs. not so. |
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BP256 |
| Each large circle closer to a small circle than a large one, and each small circle closer to a large one than a small one vs. not so. |
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BP286 |
| Decreasing in size from top to bottom vs. increasing in size from top to bottom. |
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BP295 |
| Line joins large and small square vs. line joins the two middle-sized squares. |
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BP301 |
| Large and medium-sized square, the latter can be hidden vs. large and small-sized square, the latter can be hidden. |
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BP969 |
| Triangle is smallest black shape vs. square is smallest black shape. |
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BP970 |
| Triangle is largest black shape vs. circle is largest black shape. |
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BP1014 |
| Shapes become thicker the farther they are from the top-left and bottom-right corners of bounding box vs. some other pattern in shape thickness based on position. |
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