Search: +meta:BP659
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BP237 |
| Upper central line APPEARS shorter than lower central line vs. upper central line APPEARS longer than lower central line. |
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BP239 |
| Straight line parallel to line joining the ends of curve AND sliding the straight line suitably can make a closed area vs. straight line perpendicular to line joining the ends of curve. |
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BP241 |
| Circumference shorter than length of everything else vs. circumference longer than length of everything else. |
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BP243 |
| Triangle closer to box corner than any of the circles vs. not so. |
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BP256 |
| Each large circle closer to a small circle than a large one, and each small circle closer to a large one than a small one vs. not so. |
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BP257 |
| The distance from the center of the line to the bottom of the square is the same as the distance from the dot to the right edge of the square vs. not so. |
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Adjacent-numbered pages:
BP252 BP253 BP254 BP255 BP256  *  BP258 BP259 BP260 BP261 BP262
convoluted, notso, boundingbox, traditional, absoluteposition
bounding_box (info | search), length_line_or_curve (info | search), midpoint (info | search), imagined_point (info | search), imagined_line_or_curve (info | search), imagined_entity (info | search), same_feature (info | search), same (info | search), distance_from_center (info | search)
Andreas Gunnarsson
BP279 |
| The left part has more pixels (area) than the right part vs. the left part has fewer pixels than the right part. |
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BP280 |
| The left part is wider than the right part vs. the left part is narrower than the right part. |
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